Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Epogam , a product containing this oil , is widely prescribed in the UK for treatment of atopic dermatitis ( AD ) .
2 For an unusual case in which , on an interpretation of a bye-law , Monday , January 2 , was held to be properly treated as a Sunday for the purposes of supplying travellers , see Henderson v. Ross , 1928 J.C .
3 This was widely regarded as a triumph for Levi , who received a guarantee that he would retain his present Cabinet position in any future Likud-led government , and a written assurance that his supporters would receive increased representation within Likud institutions , the government , Knesset ( parliament ) committees and the Jewish Agency .
4 The move was widely regarded as a victory for reformers in the party , as the enlarged membership embraced members of the business community , intellectuals and a number of former dissidents .
5 The move was widely regarded as a victory for reformers in the party , as the enlarged membership embraced members of the business community , intellectuals and a number of former dissidents .
6 Voorhoeve had been widely criticized within the party for the decision to withdraw support from the previous CDA-VVD coalition in May 1989 , which precipitated the early election and a serious setback for the VVD .
7 The 1948 treaty had been widely criticized in the West for limiting Finnish sovereignty , but was defended by successive Finnish governments for providing an accommodation with a powerful neighbour which protected Finland 's market economy and pluralist political system .
8 From this point of view the state is not seen as a threat to freedom , but is rather regarded as a vehicle for securing broad community and individual rights against the power .
9 By 1901 worker activists were overwhelmingly committed to the need for political revolution .
10 During the years of their operations , however , they were frequently referred to as Lestai ( Brigands ) or as Sicarii ( Daggermen ) , the name deriving from the sica , a small curved dagger especially favoured by the Zealots for political assassinations .
11 Several calls have been eventually connected but are suddenly dropped by the system for no apparent reason .
12 The princess was warmly applauded by the scientists for her speech .
13 McCann 's speech , with its suggestion that the police lines ought to be charged , while refusing to actually call for such action , seems to have typified the confused militancy of the radicals , who were suddenly precipitated into a conflict for which they were quite unprepared .
14 The North Station cars were greatly missed by the locals for whom they offered a quick journey to the Station and Town Centre , when they were withdrawn in 1963 .
15 The second part of the question should provoke a number of different answers perhaps related to the market for their product , competition , the economic situation etc .
16 It is only used as a pattern for understanding the organisation of terrace life for young supporters .
17 Similarly the sense of hearing , much needed in the battle for survival , ultimately gave pleasure through the earliest kind of music .
18 In 1984 , the first of eight massive plumes were detected by the NOAA over Novaya Zemlya , the Arctic island long used by the Russians for nuclear weapons tests .
19 As for the people , they are constantly challenged by the need for eternal vigilance and by such sentiments as those of Edmund Burke in his speech on arrival at Bristol on 13 October 1774 :
20 Sartre 's fundamental thesis , that ‘ History continually effects totalisations of totalisations ’ ( I , 15 ) , does not in itself answer what Ronald Aronson has rightly characterized as the question for Sartre : ‘ how do separate , antagonistic actions yield a history ; how do individual totalizations lead to Totalization ( and also progress , the direction of history , its truth and its meaning ) ? ’
21 At 45 , a devoted parent , a fully paid-up citizen , supporter of village fêtes and officer of societies , one who has not been chastised , still less cautioned by a policeman for nearly 20 years , I had complacently reckoned that speed lust might , like other adolescent juices , have dried up within me .
22 Total membership fluctuated widely around 5,000 and it is clear that many members only stayed with the Party for a short time .
23 The declining number of nurses in training leading to a reduced output of qualified staff , fewer 18-year-olds as a pool for recruitment , and a massive retention problem in London all contributed to a need for concerted action , he stressed .
24 It is for this that he was so praised by the right for his managerial qualities .
25 Unanimity was less marked in the scramble for office after Asquith 's departure ; " the three Cs " , Curzon , Chamberlain and Cecil , managed to keep official party interests to the fore by ensuring that Curzon rather than Carson should join the war cabinet — disloyalty might be useful but it should not be seen to pay .
26 Once filled , the sides and riser were gently tapped with a hammer for a couple of minutes to expel trapped air , which can cause surface voids .
27 The latest addition is a room devoted to Princess Isabel , daughter of Pedro II , who is fondly remembered by the Brazilians for her part in abolishing slavery .
28 However , human motivation is complex : people are not entirely driven by the desire for money or to do as little in the job as they can get away with .
29 The working party decided that users would be better served by a requirement for companies to adopt flow-through accounting for taxation changes , but also suggested some short-term improvements for the meantime .
30 Eight years later he was pleading that ‘ insane persons are occasionally and necessarily detained in the house for one or two days while arrangements are being made for their removal to the asylum ’ .
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