Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that the " adornment " theory was entertained for so long deserves some explanation and its appropriateness can not be altogether dismissed in the case of " artificial " styles cultivated by such Renaissance mannerists as Sidney and Lyly .
2 This galloping course will suit his action and he is not badly treated at the weights on his best form .
3 That is a document which is effectively given for the protection of the Vendor .
4 So , too , the feeling that life was becoming ‘ Americanised ’ has been used unsparingly to describe the process of ‘ permissive ’ rot and the collapse of traditional authority — most forcibly registered in the adoption of the term ‘ mugging ’ to disown as ‘ un-British ’ the old-fashioned crime of street robbery .
5 Where are we to account for the hints , implicit purposes , assumptions , social attitudes and so on that are effectively communicated by the use of language , not to mention the figures of speech ( e.g. metaphor , irony , rhetorical questions , understatement ) that have preoccupied theorists of rhetoric and literature ?
6 The larger falcons are among the birds of prey most favoured for the sport of falconry .
7 There could be no doubt that the Burgundian was the leading ruler in Gaul between 511 and 516 , and he may well have been the barbarian king most favoured by the court of Constantinople .
8 He had naïvely stumbled into the middle of a very complicated and dangerous situation .
9 The Threadfin Goldie Nemanthias carberryi is mostly received into the U.K. from shipments originating in The Maldives .
10 For the different theoretical conceptions of the company have been intimately embroiled in the effort of company law to justify the vesting of substantial power in corporate management .
11 Now the increasingly hard-nosed tactics of the popular press have driven society gossip underground , and gossip columns are mostly filled with the doings of the lower echelons of café society on the make .
12 ( b ) Transfer of work A client is properly regarded as a client of the firm and not of the individual solicitor unless there is some personal , often family , connection between the two .
13 Bentham ( 1748–1832 ) is properly regarded as the founder of utilitarianism .
14 It seems clear that the value of the whole state of consciousness is not properly regarded as the sum of the value of its parts .
15 Epogam , a product containing this oil , is widely prescribed in the UK for treatment of atopic dermatitis ( AD ) .
16 I could n't blame him ; only a few days before an eminent surgeon had been badly mugged in the entrance to his Harley Street office in the middle of the afternoon .
17 He was a little shaken by the strain of the near accident but hoped concentrating on his new plan would help to calm him down .
18 It is Tom Courtenay , the programme says so , but beneath a straggly white wig , black beret and tattered frock coat with trousers surely cast off by Cyril Smith and insecurely fastened by an army of safety pins , it is difficult to recognise him .
19 A neatly printed card , discreetly placed at the hem of the embroidery , told that the contents of the case had been donated by Jurgen Danziger , in 1933 .
20 Golden lads and lasses had just breakfasted on golden toast , a little blackened at the edge in some cases , spread with golden shred or golden syrup .
21 The transcripts were handed over to the Serious Fraud Office , and duly and properly given to the defendants in the criminal proceedings .
22 He burnt both retinas in his eyes , but was thankfully treated by a doctor in time , and has since completely recovered .
23 For an unusual case in which , on an interpretation of a bye-law , Monday , January 2 , was held to be properly treated as a Sunday for the purposes of supplying travellers , see Henderson v. Ross , 1928 J.C .
24 Proposals to improve the quality of life coincided with the tenure of the National Unity Government under the initial premiership of Shimon Peres , widely regarded outside the territories as the most promising Israeli proponent of a peace settlement .
25 This was widely regarded as a triumph for Levi , who received a guarantee that he would retain his present Cabinet position in any future Likud-led government , and a written assurance that his supporters would receive increased representation within Likud institutions , the government , Knesset ( parliament ) committees and the Jewish Agency .
26 Emphasising that " the key to a peaceful solution lies in the hands of Afghans themselves " , he said nevertheless that the talks had been made possible by the " new , positive and changing " United States attitude , a comment widely regarded as a reference to recent US congressional moves to cut aid to the mujahedeen by 10 per cent .
27 The Excess Profits Duty was widely regarded as a concession to mounting concern over profiteering ( Maguire 1987 ) , but the decision to levy it on societies posed fundamental questions about the nature of the cooperative enterprise .
28 The move was widely regarded as a victory for reformers in the party , as the enlarged membership embraced members of the business community , intellectuals and a number of former dissidents .
29 The move was widely regarded as a victory for reformers in the party , as the enlarged membership embraced members of the business community , intellectuals and a number of former dissidents .
30 In its co-ordinated typography , pertinent use of colour-coding and subtlety of complex chartwork , BP 's Statistical Review is widely regarded as a model of its kind .
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