Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [adv] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her successor , Margaret Moore , successfully carried on the established pattern .
2 The hon. Member for Wiltshire , North ( Mr. Needham ) , the Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , has rightly pointed out the complete disregard for the Geneva convention on the part of the perpetrators of this appalling outrage .
3 Without another word , Bert Rafferty gently picked up the frightened child and made towards the cliff .
4 The two clubs have obviously sorted out the wide gap between their respective ideas of the compensation Stoke should receive and it 's now become clear that Macari will be allowed to negotiate his new terms WITH Stoke City 's approval .
5 The many thousands of bodies in the ruins all told much the same story , of practically instantaneous death when the searing hurricane from Mt Pelee reached them .
6 The Prince carelessly handed over the sealed paper , then sent one of his Dutch aides to enquire about the identity of the girl in the diaphanous gold dress .
7 Er the point I was making to her was erm in her paper which er was excellent by the way , I forgot to say and I think you put it all very clearly and very nicely , y you , you very nicely set out the basic idea that the consequence and that in principle a male need contribute nothing more than his penis .
8 Whether Rainbow remembers or not , history will never know , because she is too busy choking on a gulp of tea that has suddenly slipped down the wrong way .
9 And he he more or less laid down the whole theory of probability , in a few days , Pascal
10 He extended scant courtesy , even to Taheb , and despite his wealth his servants only brought in the minimum guest-offering of bread and beer .
11 Mr Copeland also worked out what would have happened if a competing firm in the same industry had merely taken on the same amount of debt as the LBO did , without being bought out .
12 So weed out the awful word — organically , of course !
13 We bade farewell to the wild deer and , with the wind behind us , crossed Taransay Sound and gently cruised up the fjord-like approach towards civilization .
14 By the early 1830s the very ‘ glut ’ of petitions so held up the normal business of the day that , although an exceptional petition like that of the ladies could make an impression , the House of Commons acted to refer petitions to a committee and deny immediate speech on them on the floor of the House .
15 We shall win in Brent and Ealing , where we have already turfed out the Labour party , and marginal seats in Wandsworth and Westminster , where people have seen the benefits of Conservative government .
16 I have not heard even the chief Opposition Treasury spokeman talk in terms of putting one penny on VAT .
17 He has not given up the running battle between them over the question of form , which started out with his victory on accommodation .
18 At present , the acquisition , development , and dissemination of computer methods and the creation of useful machine-readable data are not given anywhere the same credit or standing as traditional forms of research and publication despite the fact that the latter have no greater claim on scholarship and far less a claim on relevance .
19 She was also a kind of mascot of the liberal intelligentsia — had she not come up the hard way from the very bottom of the heap to stand by Miller 's side defying the anti-Communist witch-hunters who wanted to jail him ?
20 Although HP has already carried out the main task of porting Unicenter to a RISC platform , the Sun port involves the move from a Berkeley-based operating system over to V.4 , as well as the work involved in supporting Solaris value-add .
21 Something must have told him that he 'd not said quite the right thing , for he looked at Zeinab uneasily afterwards .
22 Freidson ( 1970a ) has already written probably the best account of the essential features of professional work in his ‘ Profession of Medicine ’ and Roth 's ( 1974 ) sardonic look at the ‘ attribute school ’ makes me very wary of following that path .
23 If this is not done then the full range of triceps movement has not been achieved and full contraction will not be carried out , thus inhibiting development .
24 We have already seen how the psychic return of homosexuality is central to Freud 's account of neurosis , possibly becoming , in Hocquenghem 's phrase , the ‘ killer of civilised egos ’ because such egos are rooted in and conditional upon the repression of that same homosexual desire which returns .
25 and thus We have already seen how the ideal gas equation ( 4 ) can be derived from equation ( 14 ) .
26 We have already seen how the naive inductivist accounts for the explanatory and predictive power of science .
27 We should not find it easy to go for a single currency if we had already moved down the federalist route in a dangerous way on foreign and defence policies .
28 Orwell was not alone in observing that England was two , three or four nations ; J. B. Priestley had already made much the same observation in his English Journey .
29 When Edmund had left her she had wandered as far as the orchard , and had just pushed aside the crooked wicker gate to re-enter the garden when she heard the latch of the heavier postern rattle .
30 It 's a ( 90 ) ninety-acre helicopter repair base which is no longer needed now the Cold War has ended .
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