Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The cover-design is presumably intended to encapsulate the Labour Party 's interpretation of citizenship .
2 He had long since stopped noticing the foul smell inside the little concrete box , or the damp grittiness of the floor against his cheek , and he heard only distantly the rolling crash of thunder .
3 Over half the issues of British public libraries can be ascribed to recreational reading , although — as will be seen — public libraries are rarely arranged to suit the recreational approach .
4 Rowan Martin , who had worked for 20 years with the department , had been widely tipped to get the new post of deputy director of the department , until his arrest in mid-1992 on corruption charges , on which he was later exonerated .
5 Sotheby 's will sell another Picasso on 15 November — Au Lapin Agile , from the Pink period — which is widely expected to break the previous price records .
6 Political sources said that Mitterrand loyalists were already in touch with Gaullist Edouard Balladur , 63 , widely expected to head the next government , to discuss the handover from the present prime minister , Pierre Beregovoy .
7 He then twice conspired to overthrow the junta , and is unofficially considered to head the paramilitary death squad , the White Warrior Union .
8 This even applies to listed buildings : there is still a worryingly widespread general belief that listing only covers the facade , or perhaps just the exterior , whereas it is of course expressly designed to protect the whole building .
9 In the promotion of rapid industrialization , the Japanese state fostered the growth of large organizations which would be better placed to resist the intense competition of Western companies .
10 The fact that the South East contains a disproportionately high number of professional and managerial inhabitants , that transportation is generally quicker and easier because of the flatter terrain , and that industry and population from London have been relocated to surrounding satellite towns have all conspired to spread the ex-urban population far out into the metropolitan hinterland .
11 The most stupefying performance , however , came from Cecilia Gasdia , a voice of evidently limited power ( the second part , made up of arias , showed her physical limitations , notably in ‘ D'amor al dolce impero ’ from Tancredi ) , but her dash , her sinewy vocalization , her miraculous phrasing , the skill with which she marshalled the resources of her voice , all conspired to make the first half ( La Separazione , Mi lagnerò tacendo , Bolero above all ) a miraculous experience .
12 The move was apparently intended to deflect the current wave of protests , increasingly directed at Ratsiraka personally as the 16-party opposition Comité de forces vives coalition pressed for his resignation .
13 Confronted with data of the following sort , an extract from a private diary only intended to remind the elderly writer of how she passed a day in January 1982 , the discourse analyst may not be able to proceed very far in his analysis .
14 All the methods in the booklet are only intended to supplement the chemical analysis of water and sediments .
15 I can not think of a more patsy , unquestioning system better designed to produce the cosy relationship about which the hon. Gentleman so frequently speaks .
16 By 1855 , as we have seen , he was sufficiently trusted to dismiss the Crimean commander on his father 's behalf .
17 The country 's opposition National Party , hitherto committed to repeal the anti-nuclear legislation , on March 8 reversed this position and declared itself in favour of the government 's stance .
18 But this is not because she has suddenly decided to espouse the hereditary principle .
19 After having wooed her in the old high way for most of his young manhood , Yeats was horrified when she suddenly decided to marry the revolutionary hard-man John MacBride .
20 For example , the decline in numbers of young people could be a chance to improve educational standards , thus making Britain better prepared to enter the next century and to manage the demands of an ageing population .
21 We would brave the icy blast , stagger down the hill and stuff ourselves to the gills with scrambled or poached eggs on buttery toast , or light-as-air omelettes , followed by giant sized mugs of good , strong tea and thick slices of bread and farm butter , all priced to suit the hard-up airman 's pocket .
22 Through reflecting on and discussing their experiences in the classroom , both successful and unsuccessful , teachers involved in LAMP and RAMP have found themselves better equipped to facilitate the mathematical development of their pupils .
23 John Grant , who ran FIMBRA , admitted : " In the light of the Wheeler affair we 've obviously got to review the whole system " It seems , however that FIMBRA was financed sufficiently to check out just one in five firms under its surveillance in any given year .
24 The embassy pointed out that the Attlee cabinet not only needed to reassure the left wing of the Labour party and the British public , but also wished to cultivate India and other Asian neutrals .
25 Clinton and Neville thus had links both with the court and with Lancaster , and these links perhaps helped to ensure the tacit support of the Lancaster following for Edward 's coup .
26 The film became the American entry , by invitation , into that year 's Venice film festival and the New York Times ' critic , Bosley Crowther , summed up his nation 's embarrassment when he described it as a ‘ brutal picture which caused diplomats to mop their brows — a vicious account of boozing , fighting , pot-smoking , vandalizing and raping done by a gang of sickle riders who are obviously drawn to represent the swastika-wearing Hell 's Angels , one of several disreputable gangs on the west coast .
27 Economic changes , the growth of commuting , and migration movements have all helped to modify the social structure of rural areas .
28 The walls of Caen were constructed in the years following Edward III 's capture of the town in 1346 ; those of Rouen were begun at the same time on the orders of Philip VI , making the city one of the few properly defended towns , or ‘ villes closes ’ of upper Normandy ; Avignon 's wall was started at the instigation of Pope Innocent VI about 1355 ; while the defences of Tours , in course of construction in 1356 , were probably sufficiently advanced to deter the Black Prince from attacking the town on his chevauchée in the summer of that year .
29 But , for Mr Major , the chief worry was that Mr Bangemann 's bombshell could not have been better timed to inflict the maximum damage to his efforts to quell the Tory rebellion .
30 Every congregation is none the less called to fulfil the evangelistic mandate .
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