Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [noun] [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The most widely reported feature of his speech was the proposal to repeal a 35-year-old law outlawing the Communist Party of the Philippines — Marxist Leninist ( CPP-ML ) and similar organizations , and to institute a sweeping amnesty .
2 The Zurich Festival in June has taken its place among the mos highly regarded events of its kind in Europe .
3 The committee already had prematurely exalted views of its importance , for it deferred to the next meeting the question of how to apply to the King for royal patronage — patronage of an institution which had no actual existence .
4 And though she cherished the times when Friend soared in companionship beside her through forever , always — reluctantly , it seemed sometimes , but always — he would pluck new motes of light and weave them into new shapes for her to read , but the shapes only made sense in their beauty , not in the real world where the coarseness of eating and cleaning and going to the toilet squashed the meanings out of the corners of her eyes .
5 Following the much trumpeted loss of her maidenhood , she is said to have undergone a test to determine whether or not she has AIDS , an ailment prevalent in that part of the world .
6 In a similar study , Lawani & Bayer found that 14% of the highly rated papers in their study of cancer research were not highly rated by peers , and that only 2.3% of their highly rated papers were never cited .
7 The four men want to open a much needed bakery in their home town of Marghita in Romania .
8 Voluntary organisations are anxious to ensure the huge prizes do not draw away much needed cash from their work .
9 Jordanhill also gives priority to students from sparsely populated areas in its hostel ; offers a Gaelic option in its Primary Diploma course and is associated with the Western Isles Bilingual Project .
10 Other people at the Town Hall only spent part of their time working for the Tramways Department .
11 Even now , nearly 70 years after its composition , the combination of its lurid story and the highly charged frenzy of its music sharply divides opinion .
12 By pursuing her own method , Lisa not only gained control over her work but also showed her grasp of the nature of the problem and of the nature of multiplication .
13 It was Cannistraro and his colleagues who also identified the mysterious Libyan who bought the clothes in Malta to wrap around the bomb , based on a photofit picture produced by the FBI from the shopkeeper 's phenomenally detailed description of his customer ten months after he saw him for the first and only time .
14 Worse still , she had apparently issued instructions before her appearance ‘ that there were to be no topical references , no jokes and minimal body contact ’ .
15 Although the mischief in his personality occasionally overrides good sense , he has ‘ wormed ’ his way into our affections and is a much loved member of our family .
16 Dulles diplomatically expressed sympathy for their point of view only to warn that such a strategy was unlikely to succeed unless the United States expected to win a general war .
17 We had deb democratically elected representatives on our health authorities , on our schools and on our planning authorities .
18 The average person , irrespective of weight , has too much refined sugar in their food .
19 David Trippier and Chris Bonnington , the President of the Appeal , warmly congratulated Radox for its presentation of a cheque for £60,000 , the largest single sponsorship ever received by the National Trust for countryside maintenance .
20 The man , from Helen 's home town Horndean , near Portsmouth , was taken for questioning on Wednesday but police only released news of his arrest yesterday .
21 Finance people , being relatively simple-minded , have only learnt subtraction in their arithmetic lessons at school , and that 's what traditional cost control is .
22 An R-1830 Twin Wasp for ‘ nostalgia ’ operator Classic Air of Switzerland had just completed tear-down during our visit .
23 I have just received notice via our agent , Mr John Popham , whom I believe you know , that Newport Borough Council and Gwent County Council are preparing to apply to the Secretary of State for Wales for an Order under the above Act to enable them to proceed with the construction of a barrage across the river Usk .
24 Would streptomycin have become available if the example of penicillin had not given impetus to its investigation ?
25 If you have already given thought to your self-assessment and how well your qualifications match the job you will make a better showing on the form than if you have not bothered .
26 In Plutarch 's account Isis had already given birth to her son Horus , but Egyptian sources relate that she conceived the child from her husband 's dead body .
27 The fact that the promisor has already received consideration for his promise before he makes it , so far from enabling him to break his promise seems to us to form an additional reason for making him keep it .
28 Mr Clark said the NRA already received part of its income by way of a levy on Cheshire County Council which was included in the precept required from all district councils .
29 Mr Major , who has not included Paris on his whirlwind European tour in the run-up to the meeting , said : ‘ I do not anticipate us failing to agree .
30 ‘ I 'd finally won custody of my daughter Eva and we had just moved down from Scotland to Leeds with my boyfriend Glynn .
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