Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] its [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 THE SCOTTISH National Party yesterday signalled its strategy for the 1990 regional council elections and the next general election by accusing Labour of swallowing ‘ Thatcher values ’ .
2 The new government quickly showed its enthusiasm for the private medical sector which was growing rapidly in 1979 , and in 1980 Gerard Vaughan , Minister of Health , expressed the belief that it might grow to around one quarter of the size of the NHS .
3 At the same time , SunSelect also unveiled its proposal for a Public Windows Interface specification that would bring the Windows applications program interface into the public domain and make it harder for Microsoft to alter it to trip up the competition .
4 The Security Council also confirmed its support for the role played by Pérez de Cuéllar , explicitly requesting him " to assist the two communities by making suggestions to facilitate the discussions " , and calling on both communities to co-operate with him " on an equal footing " .
5 In return the USA reportedly dropped its demand for a further $700 million from Japan , representing sums paid to the United Kingdom , France , and the Arab states which Japan had insisted should be set against the original pledge of $9,000 million .
6 The foundation simply expressed its preference for a publisher , she says , with no talk of a quid pro quo .
7 He remained at Mosley 's side as the BUF lost the support of its most influential followers , and as it increasingly employed its members for the provocation of violence .
8 On the outbreak of war one week later , the Communist Party hesitated and then reversed its support for the war into an appeal for a " people 's peace " .
9 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
10 Yet it was the people who continued to embody what English agents called ‘ enthusiasm ’ , the xenophobic church and king patriotism which never lost its terrors for the men of property .
11 Sports reporting certainly had its difficulties for the live commentator , who might be held up to ridicule for a lapse of sense or grammar in the heat of the moment .
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