Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [prep] a [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had scarcely settled to work when his stepmother came in followed by a sad-eyed little King Charles spaniel who immediately began exploring the corners of the room .
2 One of the planes , an enemy one she thought , suddenly blazed with a great yellow and red light from somewhere just behind its wings , and almost immediately , tiny bright fragments hurtled outwards from the burning plane , and it was gone .
3 A typical example — and there are many of these — was when he patiently sat through a high level Air Ministry conference listening to the Mosquito being castigated for its poor night flying qualities ( because of the glare from the exhausts ) , and Boscombe Down recommended that it should never be flown at night , the chairman , as an afterthought , suggested Bennett contribute his views : " I wish someone hid told me about all these faults ' , he replied , " because I have been flying the Masse on OBOE night trials with excellent results " .
4 Lord John did not ride his horse , but rather drove in a gleaming open cabriolet that he had brought from London .
5 Wavebreaker was registered in the Channel Islands , and thus sailed under a defaced British red ensign with the Bahamian flag flying as a courtesy ensign from the main spreaders , but I always greeted arriving charter guests with their own country 's flag — though such a gesture was considered bad flag etiquette by nautical purists , it was good for our final tip — and so Thessy now hoisted the Stars and Stripes to the mainmast 's spreaders and a smaller Stars and Bars just beneath .
6 He zoomed to save height , heard the cackle of machine-guns , skidded round in a savage , 180-degree turn , and instinctively ducked as a bright blue Pflaz hurtled over his head .
7 Patients developing such features ( n=6 ) were excluded from the study and gradually weaned onto a normal unrestricted diet .
8 I know we have all heard of cases where someone has smoked sixty cigarettes a day and still lived to a ripe old age — but is it really worth taking the chance ?
9 The spur for development in tests usually came from a pressing practical need .
10 Because we , even if we ever came to a final close if
11 The stranger let go and quickly thumbed through a small black book he had taken from his belt .
12 Can it be true that , 6000 miles from home , he once called on a well-known American geophysicist in the middle of the night with an urgent request to have a secretary type his latest contribution to the journals ?
13 ‘ But Paula , like most brides , always hankered after a traditional white wedding .
14 He always spoke in a peculiar snuffling manner .
15 ‘ Sitaki mafi zako bwana ’ ( Do n't give me your shit mister — Swahili slang ) , as my ayah once said to a door-stepping American missionary .
16 I once ran into a 10-wheel timber-hauling lorry which , being only about 3 miles long , had momentarily escaped my notice .
17 The United States was similarly dismayed , for it still hoped for a Labour electoral victory and an eventual political settlement with Jordan .
18 The Cottage is opposite the Civic Theatre , a pretty good place for a restaurant to be , in premises that latterly belonged to a double glazier and some time before that were a three ball , fully paid up pawnbroker 's .
19 TV replays showed that Saunders went in with his foot raised and came down on Elliott 's leg as they both steamed into a full-blooded 50-50 clash .
20 However , the Guild also asked for a comprehensive home-help service so that women would not worry about the welfare of younger children and husbands , but this was not forthcoming .
21 Cocoa prices in 1989 also tumbled to a 14-year low owing to the sixth consecutive year of oversupply on the world market ( estimated at between 100,000-154,000 tonnes for 1989-90 ) ; failure to agree on the minimum price to be defended and continuing problems stemming from unpaid producer levies , estimated in 1989 to be well over $100,000 million .
22 The legislation also provided for a maximum personal income tax rate of 47 per cent and for corporation tax of 45 per cent .
23 It also allowed for a renewable one-year freeze on challenges by the courts to six ordinances related to the maintenance of law and order .
24 His renunciation also rested upon a dubious legal sentence of 1202 , a punitive measure against King John by Philip Augustus .
25 , Robert ( c. 1591–1652 ) , naval officer , was born c .1591 in Landulph , Cornwall , and probably belonged to a junior seafaring branch of a landed family settled in Devon .
26 Mary Leapor was an only child , but she grew up surrounded by a large extended family .
27 A few months after my return Goreng found a use for the less obviously subtle or versatile of his captives , which while turning them to material advantage also catered for a certain desired degree of planned redundancy .
28 The first particular strategy which has been subject to criticism has been the reliance on possible first use of nuclear weapons as a means of countering presumed superior Soviet conventional power — a reliance which McNamara sought for a while to abandon when Secretary of Defense in the early 1960s , and which he openly challenged in a famous recent article ( Bundy et al . ,
29 The other two teams were line managed by their local Area Directors , but also worked through a Senior Professional Officer for some purposes .
30 Fine Gael also called for a full public inquiry before exploration began .
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