Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She only came to fetch wood for Mum or bring us our cocoa .
2 Eve knew that through these doors next week would come girls who only intended to use university as part of their social life .
3 Kylie admits that the tour of the chic boutiques in Paris , London and New York gave the sisters a chance to catch up on a lot of the times they had missed when the demands of television companies just had to take priority over family .
4 ‘ No , I just wanted to say goodbye in person . ’
5 This further seemed to give encouragement in practice to the ‘ go-into-groups-discuss-an-important-issue-and-find-a-dramatic-statement-for-us-to-discuss ’ sequence .
6 As in Gassendi and Locke , the ‘ new philosophy ’ was often anti-sceptical in intent , and its advocates were often not complete materialists , in that they genuinely thought to find room for religion , God , and the soul .
7 This lower use of hospital inpatient facilities was not accounted for by the older age of the people in residential homes although fewer of all those aged 85 or more had spent time in hospital — 64 per cent against 80 per cent of those under 85 .
8 It also envisaged strengthening education with production , that is , treating the school as a productive and income-generating unit where students learn through practical application of their knowledge .
9 The finding that some of the patients with isolated proctitis also had increased release of myeloperoxidase and IL-8 in the seemingly unaffected sigmoid segment might reflect a patchy , low degree sigmoid inflammation missed by endoscopy .
10 Thus the church made its past its own : the martyrs were made present in time ; but they also had to become present in space .
11 In this and other cases a number of problems often arose reflecting lack of control and replicability of measurements , insufficient representativeness , unreliable accuracy of data , and problems of finding suitable methods of analysis of the data collected .
12 I really wanted to study French at university , since I was interested in languages .
13 This was the era of competitive capitalism and the laisser-faire state which simply sought to guarantee freedom of contract and trade at the same time as it dismantled the restrictive apparatus of the feudal economy and secured public order at home and defence from abroad .
14 In one investigation , he even tried to convert pollen into beeswax .
15 Married in the summer of 1938 to the Reverend Geza Wulwick , who had been brought up in Czechoslovakia , and who spoke fluent German , she and her husband settled in Middlesbrough and almost immediately started collecting money for refugee children .
16 So stony that he even had to borrow money from Dad to get home .
17 Washington then agreed to allow transport by sea .
18 It certainly continued to give opportunity for glory , for self-advancement , and for material gain ; in that respect it has not changed much to this day .
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