Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Locals predicted that it would be allowed to fall down and then the property developing Mafia would move in and build a housing estate on the fourteen acres , by means of a considerable backhander to the Council .
2 We 'll stay in and watch the cup final
3 Wilcox told her to get in and release the bonnet catch .
4 I 'll just stay in and scrub the kitchen floor , wash your clothes and make your dinner . ’ )
5 They will also provide housekeepers who 'll step in and run the show bit of cooking , cleaning and sorting out the washing for around £35 a day .
6 Er I , I was a messenger for a time for the er , we lived in Lane and I was a messenger for a time with the erm A R P headquarters in Drive , now when my uncle got married and he had two children and I 'd , they were issuing gas masks and I had to go down and fetch a gas mask for his daughter and they were great big ones that used to envelope the whole babies with a bellows on the side that the mothers used to have to pump when they were in them , thank goodness we never had to use them and erm
7 Give my love to Jean and maybe you 'll come down and bring the will wit you ?
8 He began to sleep through the night , and became much less active — for the first time he could sit down and watch a television programme through to the end .
9 ‘ He chopped and changed the side at whim and never allowed any team he selected to settle down and establish a set pattern of play . ’
10 The second is to remove all of the fish , totally rearrange the rockwork and then put them back into the tank , including the new one and they should then soon settle down and establish the pecking order , which should also include the newcomer .
11 One-and-a-half hours was typical , though a number of fast workers reckoned they could buckle down and get a baby seat fixed in one hour flat .
12 Erm I took the liberty of saying yes to Maureen to come along and record the language debate .
13 If you are not fond enough of a paper to buy it in bulk , it would be worth it for a group of friends or a class to get together and buy a mill pack .
14 Is there a glass panel you could break to reach through and release the cylinder rimlock ?
15 you wo n't move over and let a labour government introduce a national minimum wage .
16 This determination to prevent the manufacturers exploiting a sellers , market induced Self to ask Smith to stay on and establish a Contracts Department as a step towards firmer financial control over the engineers .
17 It 's easy to sit up here for hours , feeling fresh and invigorated and envying the local people their beautiful surroundings , but we were keen to press on and see a Stone Age burial chamber sited just off the path .
18 and on that basis you believe that that would be , or do you believe that that would be adequate so that she could maintain and carry on and drive the family car and living in the house children
19 That was when Kanga , who owns a fashion firm , hopped in to try on and buy the lookalike number .
20 If something goes wrong while a user is accessing LIFESPAN , the current displayed page is temporarily replaced by a ‘ Transaction Failure ’ page which describes the fault and tells the user what action to take ( usually to log off or consult the LIFESPAN Manager ) .
21 If a failure occurs while using LIFESPAN , the current displayed page is temporarily replaced by a Transaction Failure page which describes the fault and indicates what action to take ( usually to log off or consult the LIFESPAN Manager ) .
22 cor this is a bit ugh ah let's all clap for Neil , er , er what 's he gon na do go off and have a boxing match ?
23 STUNNED staff turned up at a garage in Chicklade , Wilts , to find thieves had used a chainsaw to cut off and steal a petrol pump .
24 I hope that he will be emboldened to go further and spread the VAT net even wider in the next Budget .
25 This enables anyone to look up and inspect the patent specification to determine its scope .
26 As dozens of workmen and structural engineers moved in yesterday to sweep up and make the area safe , it became clear that it will take weeks , possibly months , to return to normal .
27 Esmerelda jumped up and down and told me to hurry up and make the kite fly .
28 Crawford Allan was brought in from RBIS Head Office to be Director , Operations ; David Miller moved from Aberdeen Office to become Manager , Schemes Unit ; and Alex Graham and Bob Aitken left Edinburgh Centre — Alex to become Manager , Corporate Unit and Bob to set up and manage the Training Department .
29 And you used to get up and light the copper fire , fill this old copper , which held about ten gallons , and then put plenty of stack o slack on it .
30 Looking back over the last 19 years he said : ‘ Having had the opportunity to set up and develop the education service in Lothian has been enormously challenging and satisfying and I believe it is an education service of good quality with many forward-looking policies now established .
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