Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb base] [pers pn] for a " in BNC.

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1 Thank you very much and thank you for a very well .
2 In real-time only seconds had passed , not much more time than it would have taken to see if he was in and ask him for a few minutes of his time .
3 So have a look through your book have a very quick glance at erm if you can just at an acid alkali one , at one side of an equation co try not to read it cover it up write it down and leave it for a few minutes till you 've forgotten if you did accidentally see what was on the other side till you 've forgotten it .
4 As he leapt to the attack again , he uttered a hoarse , nerve-shattering scream , the purpose of which was to startle his opponent momentarily and distract him for a fatal fraction of time .
5 go in a hall somewhere and have it for a day .
6 Erm you can phone them up and ask them for a Yellow Pages listing and they and they 'll give at random a listing from the Yellow Pages in whatever area you ask for .
7 If you come across a taxi token , pick it up and use it for a free taxi ride to any part of the city .
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