Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb base] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Others claim that projects will be handled better and result in a net saving .
2 However , since I was very keen , I decided to go even better and invest in a macro lens .
3 If my list of cons against Alfieri seems great , it does not mean I dislike everything he does for as I 've said he plays the important role of introduction and conclusion which I like especially and count as a clever idea on the part of Miller .
4 With difficulty , but I think it is fair to say as well it has got great compensations , because if you build walls , if you 're hiding , if you 're pretending , if you 're always subscribing parents and stopping them from coming in you make problems ; parents worry and suspect that there are problems behind those closed doors , and I think this is why we have established fifteen different parent teacher groups which meet regularly in different parts of Sussex , from Seaford to Shoreham , to Hove , to Brighton , and in small groups of ten/fifteen/twenty they 'll sit down with a teacher and they do n't just do fund raising they thrash out the different aspects of their children 's education and then they come in and meet in a main committee and I think it is this involvement that enables the parents and the teachers to work very closely together .
5 If you go down and ask in a polite way , then you might get what you want .
6 Afterwards lie down and relax for a short while .
8 Take some of the favourite things that your child likes , mix them together and serve from a warm pot with a ladle .
9 Either stir or shake the ingredients together and serve in a tall or white wine glass .
10 Later tombs here have no tumulus above but consist of a single large room cut into the stone .
11 After airing , roll loosely and keep in a large cushion cover or storage bag — not a plastic one though , as condensation can build up inside .
12 The best hope for Buckingham Palace must be that the couple can avoid divorce , put their disappointments aside and agree on a distant but reasonably amiable working partnership .
13 If there is too much liquid left in the pan , pour it off and reduce in a separate pan ( so the meat does not overcook ) .
14 Pour into the prepared tin , level carefully and bake in a preheated 180°C ( 350°F/Gas Mark 4 ) oven for 12–15 minutes .
15 Before signing the contract the purchaser should in any event read the document carefully and arrive at a full and clear understanding of any restrictions imposed .
16 old Army General , line up and get in a single line
17 Wrap the marzipan in cling film or polythene to prevent drying out and keep in a cool place until needed .
18 You either stand up and walk out and go to a different class , or you join in .
19 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
20 I The seller shall prior to completion of the purchase carry out and complete in a good and workmanlike manner and with good quality materials the following works to the property , namely : J AB the [ wife ] of the seller hereby acknowledges that she has no claim to or interest in the property hereby agreed to be sold adverse to the interest of the buyer and in consideration of the buyer entering into this agreement she hereby agrees that if so required she will join in the [ conveyance ] [ transfer ] [ assignment ] [ lease ] for the purpose of vesting the said property in the buyer free from incumbrances .
21 Then pass THIS envelope to one of your family and friends WHO HAVE NOT USED YORK BEFORE AND LIVE AT A DIFFERENT ADDRESS .
22 And it think that — I mean I like to have , if you go back and look at a Rolling Stone when I was doing it , there are pages in there , I would say one third of all the pages in there , you would not even want to print today .
23 Health Works readers can ring in free today and talk to a trained nutritionist about diet .
24 Drain well and place on a heatproof platter .
25 Once the new growth has started to emerge , pot them on into new compost , water well and place in a light position on the greenhouse bench .
26 When the molar mass is too low to produce sufficient entanglement , the material will flow more readily and behave like a viscous liquid .
27 All but five of the players are from British Columbia which means they should be match hard and fit after a full domestic season .
28 Though she did stop him before he could get further than to spin her round and begin in a supposed-to-be-seductive tone , ‘ If you want the thrill of a lifetime , Leith — ’
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