Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb past] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was just going out when a man came in and asked the same question .
2 I never sat down and played the same thing twice .
3 If others came along and interviewed the same people on the same topics , would they get the same responses ?
4 So I rung them again and said it was dangerous and they came out more or less straight away and did the few holes at the top .
5 But you can imagine my surprise when I angled said state-of-the-art bins to the street , watched the long black car as it rolled up and saw the self-same guy step out of it .
6 It is about time that Government departments sorted themselves out and adopted the same approach to business taxation
7 Linda jumped out and went the few paces to the garage , unlocking the door and sliding it part way open .
8 She jumped out and ran the few feet to where a man was struggling out of his jeep , which had tipped onto one side with the two left wheels suspended above the open gully .
9 Almost every activity of the outside world was reproduced there and provided the same outlets , fatuous and valuable , for human energy .
10 One night , after I had cooked her supper , I went upstairs and packed the few things I possessed in a cardboard box and came downstairs and announced I was leaving .
11 Harvey split the words into syllables and made each syllable a step in his dance , then he changed the accents round and danced the same remark again .
12 Herbert was there too and wrote the same day that ‘ It 's heavenly here — the air is wonderful and one never feels tired … ’
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