Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [adv] [vb pp] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And there are other references throughout to , what I reply is a clear direction that most developments should be in erm in or closely related to settlements and , of course , that will be a matter addressed through through local plans .
2 Three hundred and thirty thousand Germans have been senselessly and irresponsibly led to death and destruction through the cunning strategy of a corporal from World War 1 .
3 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
4 He began to write verses and at the age of seventeen , in sending a sonnet to his mother , declared his resolution that ‘ My poor abilities in poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God 's glory . ’
5 It has already been made clear that the definition of a ‘ professional ’ degree course being adopted here is an operational rather than conceptual one : it is a course which has a consistent and fairly exclusive relationship with a particular occupation , exclusive in that graduates from such courses tend not to go into other occupations , and in that entry to that occupation is largely or wholly restricted to graduates from such courses .
6 ARE non-American jazz players more or less doomed to imitation ?
7 If , as has been suggested above , insider evaluation is primarily associated with curriculum improvement , it comes as little surprise that proposals for particular approaches are directly or indirectly related to models of curriculum design and development .
8 His exact statement was that he ‘ had been assured by UPH that no profit of any description either directly or indirectly accrued to UPH from the transaction with Telecom ’ .
9 Perhaps the dressing down , promptly and properly administered to Mark Ramprakash , was also beneficial .
10 As time went on , Finch found himself more and more attached to bed .
11 The real matter is in fact that the vast majority of children in this country are growing up in a secularist culture which rules out religion altogether , and that those within faith communities are living in a world in which their faiths will be more and more subjected to secularist interrogation .
12 The figures are thought to have been adapted from a cycle of statues made by the sculptor Lysippus for a sanctuary at Alezia ( Acarnania , Greece ) in the 4th century BC and later brought to Rome .
13 In practice most trade bills are discounted once and then held to maturity .
14 Each bone has to be removed , individually labelled , packed up and then sent to Bradford for examination .
15 They benefited both practically and emotionally compared to girls without such support , who suffered more from their lack of status and recognition as mothers .
16 The heroine in her scenario is , for example , ‘ often carried away by the anti-hero , but rescued either by her Father or the Hero — often reduced to support herself & her Father by her Talents & work for her Bread ; — continually cheated & defrauded of her hire , worn down to a Skeleton , & now & then starved to death ’ .
17 The idea is not to turn churches into fortresses , but to make sure the door is well and truly closed to criminals .
18 So were you born here moved to Malton , moved back here and then moved to Malton or you were here and they you moved to Malton when she lived there ?
19 Officials there are regularly and publicly taken to task at conservation meetings in Britain and abroad over Britain 's absence from the convention .
20 Robert James , alias Smith , was locked in Reading Gaol overnight and then escorted to Wantage the following morning .
21 In fact it was only in the 1940s that principles of gradation began to be rigidly and systematically applied to beginners ' courses in limited vocabularies .
22 That someone as gentle and inoffensive as Sybil , with her flower paintings and her harmless little poems , should have been needlessly and savagely battered to death , made Melissa seethe with rage .
23 Sailing with about 50 men in mid-October , Ormonde had an uneventful passage from Normandy to Torbay , but failed to see any signs of a rising there and thereupon returned to St Malo .
24 He spent about 3 months surveying the Carboniferous and Old Red Sandstone rocks there and then returned to London .
25 Some alcohol difficulties will be primarily and directly linked to alcohol use and some will be secondary , a complication but not the causal agent .
26 The Shah listened quietly and then turned to Sullivan " almost beseechingly , throwing out his hands and saying , " yes , but where will I go " "
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