Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One the most widely used dialects included in the bill was Sardinian ; others were Ladino , Catalan , and the Occitan dialect existing mainly in southern France .
2 These findings lend support to the view that persuading people to dispose of unused or rarely used medicines stored in the home might play a part in reducing the numbers of impulsive overdoses of these substances .
3 Silicon Graphics Inc is moving on down this this week , with the launch of new ‘ RISC PC ’ desktop systems , presumably ACE systems based upon the MIPS R4000 chip .
4 Although this involves the use of rather advanced techniques compared with the running of simple transfers and dubs , many enthusiasts believe that this type of editing is essential to the making of ‘ real ’ movies , and look on it as the key creative element in their video activities .
5 They sought out the most profitable lines produced in the most efficient of their plants operating with the cheapest labour available .
6 One of the most wanted fugitives sought by the Italian police , Nunzio Barbarossa , alleged to be a head of the Neapolitan Camorra , had been arrested in the northern city of Bologna in October 1989 .
7 By anybody 's standards , and even by the rather disorganised measurements applied by the hon. Gentleman , that is a substantial increase .
8 Police in Sunderland do not know if the badly decomposed remains found in the River Wear are male or female .
9 Thus in a bid to weaken Arab support for allied action , Saddam turned the bunker deaths of Iraqi citizens into an international photo-opportunity while allied and Iraqi intelligence continue to collude in suppressing images of the dead Iraqi conscripts slaughtered by the bombing of Kuwait .
10 It opens with an outline map and the superimposition of the rather rigid zones used by the emergency planners .
11 Granger , these full-blooded pictures were among the most popular films released in the latter stages of the war .
12 Of course many of the less respectable saints remained on the calendar , their only usefulness being the excuse for a holiday or a village carnival .
13 It looks green and comforting , scattered with small stone towns and grazing sheep , the gently hilly horizons punctuated by the towers of village churches .
14 A few naturalists , inspired by developments in geology , used information on recent changes in the environment to explain a number of apparently anomalous facts revealed by the numerical data .
15 Just propped lazily against the edge of her desk , long brown legs crossed at the ankles , watching her with that cool , speculative expression in his eyes , he had the ability to make her insides seize up .
16 Held : A person who negligently starts a fire is liable for injuries suffered by a fireman while attempting to put out the fire , regardless of whether the particular injuries suffered by the fireman were reasonably foreseeable or whether the injuries were suffered as the result of exceptional or merely ordinary risks undertaken by the fireman .
17 As the 1950s became the 1960s , the big limitation of television programme making , which so restricted Directors versed in the film world , came to be the technique of Continuous Recording , whereby productions were done , as far as possible , like theatrical plays ; beginning at Act One , Scene One , and running sequentially through to the end .
18 ( It will be assumed in this example that the S&P500 index covers only large shares quoted on the NYSE , although in actuality the S&P500 index includes some over-the-counter shares . )
19 On top of all this , you have the less obvious costs incurred by the denial of the use of your funds that are tied up in outstanding debts .
20 It could also be called ordeal by song , though the traditional and somewhat discordant songs sung by the trainers are said to have a soothing effect .
21 However , there are sufficiently unique features associated with the granting of security by a company that justify it being treated as a separate topic .
22 This group may include the distant ancestors of the sharks , but they must have been somewhat ponderous animals compared with the streamlined hunters of modern seas .
23 In his rapid rise to stardom he still retained a measure of the paternalism of the good C.O. He knew how much apparently little things mattered to the fighting soldier .
24 She winced as long black claws met in the flesh above her elbow .
25 But as the reader will be aware , during the past decade or so , the courts , building on a series of decisions which quite properly and logically held ineffective a number of ingenious and entirely artificial schemes devised for the manufacture and allowance of losses or expenses which were never in fact incurred , have sought to create and apply to transactions conferring tax advantages for which the legislature has made provision a doctrine of ‘ legitimate business purpose ’ , the general effect of which is that even though the citizen follows to the letter that which Parliament has told him that he can do in order to attract the fiscal consequences which Parliament has statutorily decreed will follow if he does it , nevertheless , whatever Parliament may have said shall be the consequences , the courts will and must decline to give effect , not to what he has done , but to the fiscal consequences which Parliament has provided , unless he demonstrates that there was a ‘ legitimate business purpose ’ for his action .
26 More than just buying an operating system and securing a future for Novell , Noorda — a man held in high regard by a wide cross section of industry executives — takes on the expectations of all those seeing him as a Moses figure capable of stitching up the highly personalised wounds inflicted during the Unix wars and the aborted peace attempts .
27 Bearing in mind the number of military items sold to the Iraqi regime by this country right up to the invasion of Kuwait and the highly critical comments made about the conduct of Ministers during the Gulf war , what right do the Government have to lecture hon. Members on the Opposition Benches over defence matters ?
28 ‘ Frenzied and totally ineffective bumbling ’ , ‘ drunken hysteria ’ and blind panic' were some of the less offensive phrases mentioned in the coroner 's court .
29 And concern over highly toxic chemicals released during the bleaching of paper is having a big spin-off on a locally based company .
30 No doubt , there are less savoury figures involved at the ‘ wholesale ’ end : there always will be — as long as cannabis remains illegal .
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