Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] at the time " in BNC.

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1 It is obvious that only personal documentation at the time could make it possible for these three politicians to write anything with accuracy from 20 years after the events had taken place .
2 They raved about what they called my ‘ Van Gogh ’ hair ( a naturally pale yellow at the time ) , and Helen welcomed me because , as she said , I had fairies sitting on my shoulder .
3 The most significant and dramatic advance in biology was one which had only marginal relevance at the time to the study of the physical and chemical structure and mechanism of life .
4 Babergh hundred in Suffolk was possibly the most intensively industrialised district at the time ; while Rutland can with confidence be accepted as representative of the rural East Midlands , a region of mainly traditional farming , innocent of any industrial growth .
5 They had entered into complex calculations , weighing up the potential loss of both short- and long-term benefits against the extra cash in their pay packets and had decided to maximise their already low pay at the time they most needed it .
6 The heir : it was not uncommon practice at the time for childless couples to adopt an heir , sometimes , as here , a slave .
7 This story , perhaps somewhat less than scintillating to today 's thrill-seeking reader , was nevertheless hot news at the time and , moreover , speaks volumes for the then ethos of the paper ; a lightweight , trade bulletin largely concerned with the doings of big band leaders and crooners , the dominant pop music of the time .
8 In the 15 boroughs effectively under Labour control at the time of the elections , there was a 1.1% swing to the Conservatives since 1986 .
9 Unfortunately , as we have seen , such an approach suggests a more complete , less messy and more fundamental change at the time of her study than seems to be justified by the continuing history of the 1970s .
10 Early Viennese modernism at the time and just after the time of the Secession of 1898 , parallel to the rise of the mass popular political movements , challenged this habitus of the Bürgertum from ‘ below ’ .
11 Britain as a committed member of the European world was not a wholly credible concept at the time of the Madrid summit in June 1989 , or in the Strasbourg conference that November .
12 Its most important role at the time , however , in common with other dual-purpose breeds , was in the production of first-class veal and yarded ‘ baby beef ’ ( slaughtered at less than 15 months old ) and it was the first breed to be used for this trade because of its early maturity .
13 The introduction to the celebratory publication Colnaghi in America , written by Colnaghi 's USA director , Nicholas Hall , charts the firm 's relationship with American collectors from 1860 to 1940 , highlighting their sales through Bernard Berenson to their most important client at the time , Isabella Stewart Gardner .
14 It seemed a damn good principle at the time .
15 One particularly good comment at the time , much appreciated by everyone — except the recipient I assume — was the card that read Arciduca 6 1 0 , translated as ‘ Archduke VI , you ( one ) are nothing ’ .
16 Similarly , in what seemed a particularly unconventional technique at the time , Michel Butor , in La Modification ( 1957 ) , employs a second-person narrative as a means , apparently , of voicing the monologue which Léon Delmont is conducting with himself as he travels from Paris to Rome to join his mistress , explaining to himself the history of his affair and anticipating how it will resolve itself .
17 I was n't a particularly happy person at the time ; lonely , in a rather dead-end job and with few personal relationships .
18 For example , in what was a most influential study at the time , Robert Sears , Eleanor Maccoby and Harry Levin obtained reports from the mothers of 379 5 year olds on the rearing practices they had adopted at various phases of their children 's lives .
19 You select those instruments which give you the most relevant information at the time .
20 Selection is made of those instruments which give the most relevant information at the time .
21 This is where hard bargaining at the time that you negotiated your service contract could pay off handsomely .
22 Purchasers may negotiate alternative formulae and should reserve the right to select the most advantageous formula at the time the claim is brought .
23 After all , I was a very junior actor at the time . ’
24 My boyfriend and I were going through a very rough patch at the time .
25 He had very long hair at the time and a beard , Lewis remembered , and looked as they all did like some kind of weird prophet .
26 The pressured atmosphere surrounding the takeover battle may result in the offeror 's shares being valued at a very full price at the time of the offer , but it is a common phenomenon for the share price to fall back after the euphoria has died down .
27 Erm , was , or so his critics said , that er his theory just would not work and the kind of argument that they produced against him , and poor old Darwin really did n't have an answer to this , and i it seemed a very very severe problem at the time was look , supposing that er I 'm a mutant you might think .
28 The rubber hot-water bottle was a very modern idea at the time the house was built .
29 Montgomery ( a very outdated figure at the time of his death in 1976 ) had been Britain 's last military hero , and he seemed as remote as Wellington or Marlborough .
30 there is an asymmetry between the incumbent and the opposition parties : ‘ the incumbent 's policies and personnel have been put to the test of very recent practice at the time of election , while the oppositions ’ probable performance can be inferred only from its statements of intention and its previous performance in office ’ ( Kramer , 1977b , p. 699 ) .
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