Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 A BADLY decomposed body found in the Sidlaw Hills near Dundee at the weekend is that of Nealle Wilson , a mentally handicapped man who went missing two years ago , police revealed yesterday .
2 Bourbon , the most popular whisky made in the United States , must have at least 51% corn in the mash ; it may have as much as 79% .
3 And the most popular figure left in the waxworks ?
4 Only aerial defence depicted in the film was the efforts of two Air Corps pilots , George Welch and Kenneth Taylor , in their P–40s which had been parked at the auxiliary field at Haleiwa and not received any attention from the Japanese .
5 His anti-Semitism may be a separate issue ( though many of course will deny even that ) ; but his Fascism can not be , since it represents a disastrously false judgement made in the course of following through a conviction not self-evidently false — about there being a connection between the health of letters and the health of the commonweal .
6 Last year 's highly successful event netted in the region of £600,000 for the fair 's owners , the shipping line P&O .
7 A less difficult choice existed in the French territories .
8 German police have seized two consignments of highly radioactive material used in the nuclear power industry and in the manufacture of nuclear weapons .
9 In the case of the Vale of Pewsey Fault , however , only minor faulting occurs in the Mesozoic above the subcrop of the thrust , the main growth fault appearing several kilometres to the south , perhaps controlled either by a splay thrust in the hanging wall or by local steepening of the sole thrust at this point .
10 The success of the Green Movement over the last few years has left that rather uncomfortable question hanging in the air .
11 And it is not the most dangerous plant found in the home .
12 The most prominent example occurs in the immunoglobulin genes , where one of the many available gene segments encoding a variable region must be brought to a position next to the remainder of the gene before it can be expressed .
13 The most serious trouble occurred in the southern city of Hyderabad , capital of Andhra Pradesh , where as many as 200 people died in a week of violence which started on Dec. 7 .
14 The most serious breach occurred in the spring and summer of 1941 as a result of a crisis in the Middle East .
15 The persistently high inflation experienced in the United Kingdom in the 1970s highlighted the need for company accounts to be adjusted to reflect this factor .
16 Again , the astonishingly sophisticated metallurgy developed in the Andean region during the two millennia before the Spanish Conquest was not motivated to satisfy material appetites .
17 There was a depressingly thin crowd hovering in the foyer and bar .
18 Despite an already traumatic episode resulting in the loss of their creative force and most prominent member , the Mac 's troubles were far from over .
19 Should it surprise us that this tale from the East Midlands should be taken into a largely religious anthology produced in the West Midlands ?
20 But the most startling fact revealed in the survey even had an element of quixotic honour attached to it .
21 Her most valuable contribution lay in the relationships she built up with delegates from all round the world .
22 The restorers ' single most valuable resource came in the form of life-size archive photographs of all the Gibbons ' carving at Hampton Court , and David Esterly is the first to admit his debt to the unnamed civil servant who in 1939 seeing war clouds gather , prudently took it upon himself to record the work for future generations .
23 The most unusual item offered in the auction is the special lightweight wrist-brace which Jackie wore after he broke a bone in his wrist in an F2 race at Jarama .
24 In addition it was a more professional institution aided in the work of government by an expert staff and impressive resources .
25 It 's a much more normal thing to do in the States . ’
26 Gascoigne warned Yoshida in February 1949 to show more skill in handling labour unrest ; this underlined the more assertive attitude adopted in the Foreign Of ice under Ernest Bevin 's inspiration wherever labour problems arose .
27 While the more organised approach culminated in the proposed ‘ primary and secondary host ’ plan , the realities made it hard to be quite so regimented .
28 But the much more rigorous policy embodied in the Conservatives ' Industrial Relations Act of 1971 was a revolution in the long story .
29 Once cooked leave to cool in the tin .
30 The process does not end here , however , because the increase in income will bring forth additional consumption spending in the next period .
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