Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adv] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The two women smiled at each other , so different yet sharing a common bond .
2 how we were back to our best and they were extremely lucky not to get a good hiding .
3 So I thought perhaps matey only had a small and large .
4 I 'm all ready just to do a few more look Ann .
5 Similarly , the range is not broad enough to produce a median ratio .
6 Is it the opportunity to slip in some data that are not strong enough to form a peer-reviewed paper or the liberty to digress and speculate which entices authors ?
7 We know that the School is not large enough to become a comprehensive unit itself , and even if it were large enough , we would not wish to change its character completely in that way .
8 This coming and going of black and white was just fast enough to give a faint , flickering image of Lucy 's delightful nakedness and all of a sudden gave Fleury an idea .
9 Often , however , a survey is more cautious and exploratory , and ideas are not firm enough to generate a specific hypothesis .
10 The bi-word filter eliminated some possibilities but was not good enough to find a single interpretation .
11 The contract should have been drafted to take account of United Kingdom law , it was simply not good enough to make a few modifications to an American form of contract .
12 They are nevertheless pleased not to see a greater erosion of their support after the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the virtual disappearance of Communist parties in the West .
13 Just that it 's not big enough to have a good public library . ’
14 Mum and Dad and six kids , there was four in one bedroom , me sister , me and her my Me two sisters in the slept in in a double bed in me Mam 's bedroom and we four lads slept in the back bedroom w w whi which was just just big enough to get a double bed in , as you can see , and there was two that slept at the top , and two slept at the bottom .
15 Although mist and rain prevented helicopters being used , the weather was not bad enough to prevent a large ground search being mounted .
16 So it was nonetheless interesting recently to undergo a full battery of professional and occupational psychology tests which found me to be thoroughly rounded in skills and attitudes , a good communicator both normally and at times of stress and so on .
17 ‘ Stealing a car seems to be automatically serious enough to merit a custodial sentence , ’ he says .
18 Some rooms are also large enough to take a fourth bed .
19 They were probably desperate enough to offer a comprehensive after-sales service ( ‘ Thallium not right , sir ?
20 All are also big enough to take a third bed .
21 He was also astute enough to obtain a twenty-one year lease from Oxford University for their printing privilege .
22 I would have said at forty one you know you er you 're still probably young enough to get a salaried job but we decided that it might be worth er you trying this avenue .
23 For the time being , however , it is probably still just about inevitable enough to justify a closer look .
24 Much of the laborious , but skilled work , is now cut out substituting a floppy disk for design paper and automatically selecting the settings one card at a time .
25 In Nottingham city centre you 'll find space to park at the Broadmarsh Centre and Fletchergate you wo n't have to queue for the Victoria Centre car park but Trinity Square that 's proving to be fairly busy so expect a short wait to park there .
26 She probably had a real great impression of herself right she did and then when she turns round and we said well I 'm sorry and said well sorry no got a bloody big shock , gave her a shock to the system and to be quite honest what I 've seen of her since then has been a darn sight more er spruced up and a bit more on the bloody ball than she was before
27 But it is not immediately obvious how to write a similar argument against the notion of justified belief .
28 ‘ And not even big enough to have a decent crap on ! ’ he hurled over his shoulder before turning to jab a finger at Zen .
29 One surprising factor is that given a new case is only around £50 there is nothing stopping you from moving everything into a new box if the old one is n't big enough to take a standard size motherboard .
30 While these looked good in the marina , we found that these were n't big enough to maintain a firm grip while at relatively acute angles of heel , particularly when it got bumpy .
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