Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [adj] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Open stands of Lobelia dortmanna with Eleocharis multicaulis and Ranunculus flammula ( presumably the same as the community reported in RBG , Edinburgh survey for 1984 ) .
2 The sensitivity of a market to changes brought about by acquisitions and mergers is likely to be all the greater where the market itself is stagnant and without perceived prospects of overall growth in consumer demand .
3 All the better that the operation rehabilitated the credibility of the police who 'd been having a bad press in the early years of the decade .
4 Time and time again families were identified with a particular farm or tenement , a link that was all the stronger because the home was also the place of work , the spot where an individual spent most of his time .
5 When a liquid freezes , the molecular character of its surface is not too greatly changed and the energy of the surface remains much the same although the surface tension is no longer able to change the shape of small particles by rounding them off into drops .
6 The figures were much the same after the experiment had been running for three months , but 83% thought the experiment should continue .
7 The scheme works much the same as the company 's extended maternity leave scheme .
8 whatever their rules , it is clear that they were exceptionally wealthy , no fewer than fifty-seven having £200 or more , much the same as the number of liverymen .
9 The afternoon wore on much the same as the morning , only more slowly .
10 However since proper scientific strength analysis is a recent affair , much the older and the commoner is that of maintaining the quality of materials .
11 At this point we 're only bringing in the Cherokee and the Viper , but ultimately we 'll bring in the Grand Cherokee and the minivan [ MPV ] , although we wo n't do those until we have right-hand drive versions , which may come before the next generation models .
12 Current interpretations of partnership are surely running the risk of taking into account only the immediate when the advantage and purpose of partnerships is perhaps to do with something much more long term .
13 In fact , it is a value which exists predominantly among only the middle-aged and the middle-class .
14 But an information gap is not necessarily the same as the operation of different schemata , which may be working at a deeper and less accessible level .
15 The assessment will be integrative — that is , it will require candidates to demonstrate that they can draw together the vocational and the core skills strands of the whole programme for that general SVQ .
16 My suggestion is that taken together the original and the reformulation are optimally relevant , and hence that the original does contribute towards the relevance of the text .
17 In the introduction to his Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy Marx brings together the materialistic and the dialectic view of history .
18 In Section 8.1 it was explained that the determination of a currency 's exchange rate value is in principle broadly the same as the establishment of the price for any other financial instrument , commodity , or good .
19 bottom of these reports why ca n't you make it into a a pu er er a a joint teacher pupil comment , it is n't just a , it is n't in the same form it 's just the same that the pupil writes that with guidance
20 I 'm only glad I got ta date and that was it get on that just the same as the bloke that 's gon na
21 The alternative is to try to hang on , for as long as we can , to a form of athletic competition in which the participants at least claim to be just the same as the rest of us , only better-built by nature .
22 You can only do as well as your knowledge and experience allow which is just the same as the rest of us .
23 Why I 'm showing , I mean this is just the same as the table you had before but this time what I 'm showing you is the product of A ti A times B , the product of the two .
24 Such arrangements can be frustrating for salespeople and buyers alike , because they deter free competition ; the buyer does not like to be told from where he or she must purchase , just the same as the salesperson does not relish the thought of having a large part of his or her potential market permanently excluded because of a reciprocal trading arrangement .
25 Or , as it is sometimes switched round in homophobic ( or just careless ) thought : the victim is somehow the same as the aggressor and hence in some vague sense complicit with the aggression .
26 Since the average rate at which the foreign debt was raised was probably about 25 dinars , its dinar value in early 1988 was about 50 times as great , approximately the same as the change in the cost of living over the same period .
27 If the rational expectations hypothesis is correct we should find , provided that we have a large enough sample , that the coefficient estimated on each variable in equation ( 3.3 ) is approximately the same as the coefficient estimated on the same variable in equation ( 3.4 ) ; that is , β 1 should equal γ 1 , β 2 should equal γ 2 , and so on .
28 I would love to have a friend of around my own age to share outings , coffee and a chat and generally the good and the bad of bringing up children .
29 Exactly the same as the mood disorders and behavioural characteristics of the primary disease .
30 The compare instruction on the IBM 1401 computer Compare A B sets an equality indicator if the character string in the field at address A is exactly the same as the character string in the field at address B , and sets a high or low indicator appropriately if they are unequal ( using the collating sequence shown in Figure 2.19 ) .
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