Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These documents demonstrate a commitment to developing broadly based , open political agitation , but they contain little about a civil rights strategy in the north ; such a strategy could be deduced from the analysis which they contain , but the documents give no indication that it had been proposed in any detail .
2 I am bound to say My Lords that my own view is still that the size within the limits laid down by statute with a minimum of sixteen or eighteen and maximum of twenty-four would best be determined locally and if we 're not going in for a national police force , I still ca n't see what it has to do with the Secretary of State and why the Home Office should be settling the size of forty-three or so police authorities .
3 This is because many intending EFL teachers have already obtained QTS ( perhaps through a modern languages PGCE ) and are now looking for an ‘ add-on ’ EFL qualification ; others may have decided that they want to work in a context ( usually adult education in Britain or overseas ) where QTS is not necessary or appropriate .
4 In fact , the whole programme had an unsually philosophical undercurrent ( quoting , for example , philosopher Mary Midgeley ) — so much so that it sometimes seemed less like a current affairs report than an enquiry into a fundamental shift in Western attitudes to nature .
5 Letter packets , Small Packets and Printed Papers with contents valued over £270 : Top portion of green label CI together with a non-adhesive customs declaration form , C2/CP3 ( PP70 ) , plus an accompanying despatch note CP2 should be completed .
6 Or is it more likely to be so affected by nationalism and the historical preferences of its peoples that it will remain a heterogeneous collection of individual markets linked together in a loose customs union ?
7 ‘ Jael Otis Ann Ryder was born at 6.30am on Saturday , February 16 , weighing in at a bounding 10lbs 10oz . ’
8 It was here in 1911 , for instance , that the ruthless , reforming Russian First Minister Peter Stolypin was gunned down by a Jewish police agent in full view of the Tsar , at a gala opera night .
9 The beautiful Thamesside setting of the Cottons Centre , where CCG run customer catering for Citibank , was put to the test this summer with an exclusive dinner for 15 chairmen and chief executives , who have been booked in by a public relations consultancy .
10 He was also convicted of having possession with intent to endanger life of a cache of explosives and arms found at another house five doors away during a simultaneous police search .
11 A BEWILDERED 10-year-old boy was left to wander the streets for hours after being turned away from a police-run sports centre .
12 She would in fact be taking over from a male contracts officer who would be leaving the company in four months ' time .
13 The meeting with Mr Terreblanche — ‘ ET ’ as he is popularly known — is seen more as a public relations gesture than a meaningful initiative .
14 Is that not the best case ever for a clear promotions policy ?
15 AN OIL worker appeared from custody at Aberdeen Sheriff Court yesterday after a 44-hour police operation at a country cottage in Aberdeenshire .
16 The value of the credit tapers off above a certain earnings level , and disappears just above $20,000 a year .
17 The software includes a terminal emulator that integrates Unix applications with Windows by supporting MS Windows Dynamic Data Exchange to transfer data from a Unix session directly to a running Windows application .
18 This raises the possibility of an administrative role for Kenchester , perhaps initially as a pagus centre , and then later as a full civitas centre .
19 Shipping , manufacturing and marketing operations also did well , but the chemicals division reported a loss , partly through a deteriorating petrochemicals market hit by surplus European ethylene capacity .
20 1967–8 saw the merger of the EEC , Euratom and ECSC , and the achievement both of a full customs union and CAP , but these represented the fulfilment of past agreements rather than new departures .
21 To supplement work-outs , he has come up with a global best-practices programme .
22 PaT hope to do this partly by a Private Members Bill in the autumn which will :
23 Secure on her own ground ( she 's locked the door from the inside and pocketed the key ) , Anya cuts the cords binding Riva 's wrists and ankles , and slips the gun back into a gangsterish shoulder-holster straight out of a B-movie props department .
24 In The Observer , a normally wise and balanced political commentator outlined a vision of what the English countryside might become if abandoned to nature , which was like something out of a Dark Ages bestiary , a nightmarish waste of swamp and scrub , thick with rats , disease and the remains of derelict farm machinery .
25 Drawing back the curtains , he saw a pair of men in blue overalls get out of a black police car , open the gates to the yard and give a mock salute as the driver and his passenger drove in .
26 But towards the end of our stay in Kuwait , the rules were relaxed , and we were allowed out to a nearby sports stadium to exercise for an hour every day .
27 FIGHTS break out at a Black Rights demonstration in Euston , London .
28 I did that because I got an amazing about of money and to be honest I rather liked the idea of swanning around in a special effects car .
29 Dustin starts by playing Timothy Mouse to Voight 's Dumbo , although his voice seems to be dubbed by Mel Blanc , first as Daffy Duck ( whom he resembles somewhat with his beak and slicked-down black hair ) , then as a consumptive Bugs Bunny .
30 Possibly it has its origins in the ‘ white noise ’ techniques which the Brits , ever the innovators , pioneered in Northern Ireland in the 1970s ( it has always seemed unjust that what was deplored then as a human rights abuse was later marketed under the brand name of acid house ) .
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