Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Change skins , ’ he said , quietly yet clearly enough to be heard by Ace and the Marines .
2 At night the landscape glows a dull red , which emanates from the surface of Venus : the rocks , hotter than a domestic oven , glow just enough to be seen at night .
3 In time , the results may look coherent enough to be defined as Majorism .
4 So the network relationships contracted between individuals are functional , just as linguistic variation is also functional ( L. Milroy , 1987 , discusses examples in which social network relationships are important enough to be viewed as survival mechanisms ) .
5 So perhaps their disappearance was a brave bid to shake off that old image ( two years is long enough to be forgotten in teen land ) and appeal to a broader church .
6 When the background was off-white , the pattern was unobtrusive enough to be used as wallpaper in several features advertising other products and ‘ Laura Ashley ’ gained much incidental publicity in this way .
7 Indeed , I sat there in the muggy warmth until the balding , bull-necked scruff of a proprietor or manager started to put the chairs upside down on the swabbed tables — a peculiar custom which is surely unhygienic enough to be banned by law .
8 It was impossible to transfer sound waves mechanically from one flat disc to another without getting into geometrical difficulties , and an ordinary gramophone was not loud enough to be put in front of an acoustic recording horn .
9 Indeed , according to the results for Birmingham , about 2% of people have an aneurysm large enough to be considered for surgery .
10 ‘ Romantic , ’ said Zeinab , as if she was taking the word down to be used in evidence .
11 Censorship is only to be exercised in accordance with the law of the land
12 We laboured for her because we liked her , but she tolerated no lazy work : she was a perfectionist and she had taste , insisting on only the best materials , which was unusual in the suburbs , where Victorian or Edwardian houses were generally smashed open and stripped bare , only to be filled with chipboard and Formica .
13 Sharing the Eucharist is a major part of a Christian 's basic baptismal rights , only to be denied in principle on account of grave sin .
14 Leaders of the Church of England have also attacked the ‘ hardness ’ of the government , only to be dismissed in return as ‘ cuckoos ’ ( see below , p. 289 ) .
15 People still starved , died of neglect and war , sought love and beauty only to be choked by hatred and ugliness .
16 Suppose he were to marry only to be faced with mutton broth ?
17 At the same time princely festive opera began to make its way abroad , only to be checked by war .
18 Where a member of staff was previously satisfied with work practice in a section , he or she may become a discontented or frustrated worker , because expectations were increased , together with knowledge and skill , only to be stifled by lack of interest on return to work .
19 Given the arguments of the sceptics , such failures are only to be expected of course ; aiming to replace anxious intellectual despair with a calm peace of mind , the traditional Pyrrhonian response would have been to advocate suspension of judgement .
20 In fact they expected to meet with USL chairman Bob Kavner and lay their money on the table the week before Christmas , only to be caught off guard by the Novell announcement .
21 They fed on the flying fish thrown up by pirate ships and whalers — then perched on the rigging , only to be removed at leisure for the cooking pot !
22 Vice-captain Ashley Metcalfe arrived at the ground only to be told by skipper Martyn Moxon that he would not be in the side against Somerset .
23 I told them the arguments put forward by Visual Effects , only to be told in return manufacturing a conical base would have been much easier as it could all have been done from one two-part mould in half the time . ’
24 This is so contrary to our general assumptions ( namely that the Holy Spirit , however vaguely we conceive of him , is an internal gift for the faithful , appropriate only to be mentioned in church ) that it is important for us to see the crucial link between the Spirit and mission which is presented to us in the pages of the New Testament .
25 Already as a young man of twenty-four he had pressed Eliot 's claims upon his seniors , John Crowe Ransom and Donald Davidson , in the circle of the Nashville ‘ fugitives ’ ; and this initially provincial dispute was played out on a national stage as early as 1923 when , in the New York Evening Post Literary Review , Ransom , with the courtly composure that was to be his hallmark , tried to promote Robert Graves before Eliot , only to be taken to task in the same columns by his younger associate .
26 This would on past experience coax the crocuses out in Hyde Park , only to be spiked by frost in a few days ' time .
27 But they were only to be offered upon condition that this created no precedent .
28 It delayed attacking till the following morning , and a calm during the night enabled the French ships , showing no lights , to make their escape and simply drift down Channel , only to be overtaken around midnight by a ferocious north-east gale .
29 Ceps , morels and other wild fungi were previously only to be found in specialist shops during the picking season ( from August to October ) .
30 The court allowed a deposition to be taken in New Zealand , which might convince the other parties of the genuineness of the claim , but it was only to be admitted in evidence with their consent .
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