Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj -er] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I present them separately , in preference to an unbroken list , if only for greater ease of reading .
2 Increase in individual settlement size , together with greater intensification of land use , would also accommodate more people ; perhaps this is why many hamlets grew into villages or why polyfocal villages developed .
3 The relationship with the National Council for Vocational Qualifications develops slowly , but our moves to ensure the continuing provision of tuition for banking candidates ( especially by greater use of distance learning ) have proved effective .
4 This term was coined by Berry ( 1976 ) to denote a turnaround in net migration flows , away from greater concentration of population in a small number of major agglomerations , and towards a revival of population growth in more rural areas and peripheral regions .
5 Women consuming one unit of alcohol per day at the time of conception and during pregnancy have babies that are smaller and thus at greater risk of illness .
6 Much of the literature on women and education tends to make this kind of distinction , arguing both for greater equality of access for girls and for changes in what are claimed to be inherently sexist curricula and values put over in school .
7 In the context of a carefully chosen example , this study seeks both to further understanding of kinship and marriage systems in mediterranean Europe and to provide an exemplar of the combination of historical and anthropological research methods .
8 So , while we heartily approve of such examples as money management ( including credit use ) as an O-level subject , and encouragement to include money management and credit use in liberal-studies teaching for the over-16s , this will hardly help those who leave school early and who would profit most from wiser choice of credit .
9 And knowledge of the naval routines of Japanese occupied ports enabled US submarines from Fremantle to attack shipping again with greater chance of success .
10 No decision was taken either on closer monitoring of catch quotas or on increasing the fishing net mesh size to allow immature fish to escape , as had been urged by the European Commission , but a new deadline of July 1 , 1991 , was established for reaching such decisions .
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