Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [v-ing] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( vi ) In the context of their own writing , pupils should learn to construct different types of paragraph , eg a general statement followed by examples , illustrations followed by a conclusion , cause followed by effect , etc. ( vii ) Pupils should learn , eg by presenting the same material for different purposes or audiences , or in different forms , how they can achieve different stylistic effects in their writing by a conscious control of grammatical structures and lexical choices .
2 Then you could blend all these different backings together by choosing the same frame for them all , but perhaps in different sizes or shapes .
3 Trying to persuade a German owner of one to part with it is rather like trying the same exercise on a Frenchman with an E-model Jodel D140 Mousquetaire .
4 When a computer has a number of data.types , many operation codes are used up in providing the same arithmetic operation for operands with different formats .
5 ( It is easier to do so if you have friends who can own up to feeling the same way . )
6 Very chronic problems can be speeded up by applying the same solution as that taken by mouth , externally to the back , thighs and lower legs .
7 There is still time for much of the Third World to be held back from taking the same course .
8 Bukharin began his critique by quoting from a letter written by Marx to his friend Kugelmann on 11 July 1868 , and since it is a keystone in Bukharin 's case it is well worth reproducing the same extract here .
9 Now unity can be guaranteed simply by using the same material from beginning to end , as is done as a matter of course in many fugues .
10 It must be demoralising for workers to be working alongside people who are being paid twice for doing the same job .
11 Lotus ' combo box widget combines a drop-down list and a type-in text field , enabling developers to use off-the-shelf widgets instead of creating the same combination each time .
12 If , instead of transferring the same document , the buyers had transferred a different one , then section 47(2) would not have applied .
13 Close ties with Performance Fabrics remain and apart from sharing the same site Tygavac buys in about 20 per cent of its products from the Courtaulds Aerospace company .
14 If you eat an ice cream it prevents anyone else from eating the same ice cream .
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