Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] few [noun pl] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 We should be all right for a few moments as it is deeper water ; we can then make for the beach , hopefully avoiding the big dumping surf . ’
2 The Captain and his wife proved so hospitable that Ricky stayed on for a few days after Minton left to stay with Paul ( ‘ Odo ’ ) Cross and Angus Wilson at their home Rio Chico at Ocho Rios .
3 It 's only for a few minutes till I buy these and then you can have a turn at walking .
4 Brush more gently for a few days until the gums become healthy again .
5 Sometimes Sheila got away from her family to come with her and she drove down for a few hours as well as now and again in the middle of the week .
6 She may , for example , lay it down for a few seconds while she opens the entrance to her hole .
7 And the animals were certainly in for a few surprises as our team of ten raced by wearing bright yellow ‘ Wimpey Worldwide ’ T-shirts and hard hats .
8 Andy had n't meant any more than his pressing need to stay in for a few weeks till he had made more headway with his revision .
9 But if we wait patiently for a few picoseconds until the charges rearrange themselves there will be no further motion and the problem belongs to the realm of electrostatics .
10 Anyway , he turned up at my house sometime later and , sure enough , I had n't finished it — so we sat down and did it together , along with a few others while we were in the mood . ’
11 Of 149 respondents , 18 subjects agreed firmly with the statement that " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " , and a further 23 thought this was perhaps true .
12 In the Hull survey one of the statements to which respondents were invited to agree was " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " ; 18 endorsed this statement , and 23 thought it was maybe true , out of 149 .
13 Innumerable country spires turn bronze amid newly ploughed fields of copper , just for a few moments before the ball disappears .
14 Yes , just for a few questions if you 've gathered your thoughts together .
15 She made a mental note to check the tariff later with the receptionist — there would be little point in living so comfortably for a few weeks if the bill swallowed most of her wages at the end of it .
16 As it was , I was lucky to get away with a few bruises if the person who slugged me was the one who knocked off Mahoney .
17 It was not until a few weeks after her father had been installed that Dorothy began to realize the fortitude with which her mother had cared for him over the years .
18 On it , messages left over from a few days before Brian gave up the flat .
19 Dip this end into hormone rooting powder while it is still moist from the cut so that some powder adheres , shake or tap off the surplus and lay it aside for a few minutes while the others are being prepared .
20 He gazed calmly for a few seconds before he lifted his hand in greeting .
21 We actually split up for a few days because his mother sent a Christmas card to him and not to me .
22 ‘ I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days until I 'd sorted things out with my parents .
23 packing Friday on the way to mum Peter 's mum she told them she 's just in so much pain , she wants it doing so he 's gon na get in , I said , it 's poss that she 'll be in six days and probably off a few weeks after when she gets home it 's operation on her neck and shoulder they 're going to release the nerve they reckon it 's it 's a she told them and do what they will with it .
24 She thought carefully for a few moments before she said , ‘ Silas — are n't you being unreasonable and somewhat unfair to both yourself and to Doreen ? ’
25 At the 13th , Woosnam was heckled and a cheer went up from a few spectators as he put his drive into the creek .
26 Actually , the family lived at Trebyan up to a few months before I was born , then they moved next door to be near the shop . ’
27 Every sunset the apes would return from their day 's foraging to sleep in the branches of this giant tree , and we were driven to distraction by our repeated attempts to film them properly in the few seconds after they arrived and before the sun set .
28 So this morning the fat little chap in the long white coat who was sorting us out in the Dean 's Office said I 'd better come along here for a few days until they got me organized with another partner .
29 Even in the few years since Volumes I and II of the Supplement were published , numerous words and meanings in the range A-N have emerged which are therefore not to be found in the largest Oxford Dictionary .
30 ‘ We 'd have half the police force here in a few minutes if we did , ’ she said .
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