Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 However , despite the growing interest in this field of study , there has been no examination of this social group right through the late-medieval period and many aspects of its history remain problematic , even barely explored .
2 Thereafter , there is a steady decline of interest in science and this disillusionment extends right through the secondary-school years and into the undergraduate period .
3 The Ring of Eight was originally founded to dance at Christchurch Folk Festival but as well as dancing at festivals we also travel to craft fairs around the South of England and perform locally for the National Trust and other charities .
4 Therefore , take what occurs around the 29th or thereabouts as a definite sign or signal from the heavens that not only must life go on , but that it also has to get better and better .
5 Now if you assume that they were paid somewhere between a half-day allowance and a full-day allowance , you 're probably looking at somewhere up towards fifteen hundred pounds .
6 I recently took my beloved Washburn EA30 out of its case only to find that , somewhere between a local theatre and home , I 'd managed to lose one of the plastic slide covers from the EQ ; a tiny thing , I know , but unless you 're Superman , totally unnoticeable from more than a foot away .
7 But , in the Jewishness stakes , sweetheart , the kosher ayatollahs who run this neighbourhood would place you somewhere between a Tibetan lama and the fairy on top of the Christmas tree .
8 Despair overtakes me as soon as I see the dreaded trolleys jammed together ; I always manage to pick one with a crab-like action ; my heart sinks and culinary amnesia sets in somewhere between the tinned fruit and dried pasta .
9 Just somehow , somewhere between the sweet shop and her house , between home and school , between tea-time and bath-time , she would lose concentration .
10 On a scale of user friendliness and acceptability , major success in consumer multimedia must lie somewhere between the electric kettle and the television set .
11 Their lolloping sound occupies an area somewhere between The Mock Turtles and James , with David Ashmore 's husky vocal style uncomfortably close to that of Tim Booth .
12 We aimed to be somewhere between the Daily Mirror and the Daily Mail .
13 LeBas , commenting on the problem posed by the need to support arguments in papers by reference to large sets of analytical geochemical data , mentions the BLDSC ‘ Supplementary Publication ’ programme as an intermediate data collection somewhere between the conventional journal and the large , national , source ( non-bibliographic ) databases .
14 Such Arbitrator shall be at liberty to construe this Agreement and deal with differences arising thereunder as an honourable engagement and not be bound by strict rules of law .
15 The effect of suppression , wherever it occurs , is that stimuli presented to the left ear are destined predominantly for the right hemisphere and stimuli heard at the right ear arrive mainly in the left hemisphere .
16 ‘ Do n't worry , ’ he said , skipping on through the amateur boxing and back around to the broadcast channels again .
17 If this were so , the strengthening of the various associations generated by the inhibitory conditioning procedure would proceed only slowly for a pre-exposed stimulus and this effect could well outweigh any advantage that the existence of a stimulus-no event association might bestow .
18 I wan na say on that question we were talking about earlier on about the young people and some facilities for them .
19 I 'm just a little bit concerned that if we do delay it while discussions are going on about the unitary authorities and such like , we 'll put restrictions on Mr running it as a commercial enterprise , and I think we have got to make sure that any long term deferral on this , we do n't inhibit him rationalising selling off the odd cottage and this sort of thing , and the farmhouse as we go along , and amalgamating ones because I think it 's , he 's got to be able to run it as a commercial proposition during the course of deliberations .
20 We have a joint planning officer , and we 've got quite a lot of joint erm of joint planning going on between the voluntary sector and the Health Authority and the Social Services .
21 His wife Maggie kept on eye on him but said it was all right for a special occasion and that he could rejoin the pledge tomorrow .
22 We 'll go right for the awkward ones and put an X and a Y in as well .
23 Learn a little about the likely finds and you can add a valuable second income to your usual treasure hunting activities .
24 It was clear she was blaming Paula bitterly for the interrupted afternoon and her boss 's drastic change of mood .
25 College lecturers have voted overwhelmingly for a one-day strike and a total ban on flexible working over pay , the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education announced yesterday .
26 Twenty metres or so from the grass-packed hill which looks over the Rabbit Grounds I switched to Silent Running , pacing stealthily through the long weeds and reeds , careful not to let anything I was carrying make a noise .
27 Overalled figures , wearing goggles , face-masks , helmets or turbans , moved slowly through the sulphurous gloom or crouched over their inscrutable tasks beside furnaces and machines .
28 Considering themselves to be superior , they cared little for the ordinary person and looked down on the sinners .
29 Specialist series : These programmes are usually on for a limited period and cover specialist subjects such as holidays , motoring , food and wine or industry .
30 It will go on for a long time but lost it is already . ’
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