Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mostly for the cross both sides .
2 The Stage Manager would give him the line , he 'd be all right for a couple more sentences , then , ‘ Sorry , it 's gone again . ’
3 ‘ But you want to stay on for a couple more days ?
4 Robert had a headache and stayed behind : he wanted to be well enough for the Opera that evening .
5 He also found that sitting a person inside for a period each day helped the processes of healing .
6 The other day I bought the enchanting ASV CD of clarinet Concertos by played by Emma Johnson and read the notes only as an afterthought this morning , having already listened to the disc several times .
7 ‘ Put me down for a fiver both ways . ’
8 I 'll give you another , it 's reckoned that ninety million tons of water , I 'll repeat that , ninety million tons of water , sufficient to supply the needs of this immediate area for over a hundred years , cascaded down off the moor that morning .
9 She had asked Elizabeth and Dr Wyn to come in for a drink that evening .
10 ‘ All right if I drop in for a drink this evening ? ’ he said .
11 Players asked to make heavy commitment If things go to plan , Scotland may be in for a bit more travel , as Harry Pincott in Cape Town explains
12 When he came in for the night some hours later he was still agitated and fretting .
13 On April 8 a representative of the Somali Patriotic Movement ( SPM ) said in Nairobi that ceasefire negotiations were to continue regardless of an incident that day when USC members clashed with forces of the SPM and of the Somali Salvation Democratic Front ( SSDF ) at Afgoye , 30 km west of Mogadishu , the capital .
14 Regardless of the effects this waste has on marine life and the fishing industry , it has also been noted that there has been a migration of radioactive material from sea back to coast .
15 Regardless of the outcome both clubs deserve tremendous credit for their efforts in the drawn game , and for ensuring the competition gets the headlines for all the right reasons .
16 I am getting thrown a little more , but I feel stronger and better with a lot more aggression . ’
17 Um also by that time er perhaps with a bit more experience of the world you 've got a bit more to compare it with and you 've got a strong sense that this is unjust , unreasonable and that other people do n't have to suffer from it .
18 That 's right , it 's erm obviously with the developments this morning erm on one of the erm French news reporters having seem some Israeli war planes going off , I mean things are sort of worsening by the minute .
19 so up a hill all day , you can use a lot more
20 Businessmen working away from home frequently describe the tension on their return when their partners , who have been shut in with the children all week , suggest going out for dinner .
21 I would have liked to have done better in the League this season , but I can see light at the end of the tunnel now .
22 They spend too long in the harem these days . ’
23 • After serving 18 months in the wilderness as punishment for running Michael Heseltine 's leadership challenge , East Hampshire MP Michael Mates was welcomed in from the cold this week when he was given a ministerial post by the Prime Minister .
24 Climatic changes do affect oceanic food resources , so in the past such changes could have provided new evolutionary opportunities or forced extinction through loss of food .
25 Some of the greens , sown only in the autumn that year , were described as near perfection less than a year later , although on balance it was accepted the course had to mature , the turf being described as a little scarce in places .
26 At first , when I put the phone down in the darkness that evening and returned to my pupil in the study , I was not too worried .
27 So and I went down in the pool this morning
28 Susan : ‘ Well , Vera , I was down in the Bank this morning paying my ESB and you know what happened — an old gentleman came in with flowers for a member of the staff — it was lovely to see ’ .
29 What are you hoping to get down on the list this month ?
30 Instead , as we walked down to the bar this evening , he had been all smiles and indulgent gallantry , complimenting us on our appearance , an arm lightly circling each of our waists .
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