Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a fire-hole in the centre of the room , presumably for warmth in the winter .
2 Depressed moods are the most difficult moods for dieting , and such is the mood-lifting effect of exercise that it is even being used medically as part of the treatment for depression .
3 Academic subscribers included Edmund Halley , Astronomer Royal , the Professor of Modern History at Oxford , the Provost of Oriel , Professors of Botany at both Dublin and Edinburgh Universities and the Vice-Master of Trinity , expressly for use in the Library of that Cambridge College .
4 As the cyclist who organised the commuter challenge , I agree with Bernard Povey ( letters , 5 July ) that the route from Currie to the city centre is downhill for part of the way .
5 Vowels are recognized most effectively as part of the pattern and rhythm of the whole sentence .
6 Some Anglophile girls in Adidas plead fruitlessly for admission to the bus in the hope of getting a piece of Clint .
7 And this she did , holding on for support to the iron rail that rimmed the wooden edge of the cart and which helped to keep the rags in place .
8 and then they 'll just pick one out of that to go on as part of the calendar .
9 Work going on as part of the resource management initiative is designed to overcome this problem , and eventually it will produce the information that is lacking .
10 Summerill is staying on as chairman for the time being .
11 Detlev Rohwedder created the vacancy when he stayed on as head of the Treuhandanstalt , the state agency dealing with the privatisation of east German businesses .
12 Dr Cunningham said : ‘ The important thing is for Neil to stay on as leader of the party and build on the gains we have made in this election . ’
13 While the Action Teams have a major role to play in implementing local initiatives , they are not working on their own , but rather as part of the overall Making Belfast Work strategy .
14 They finally put it on after pressure from the campaign .
15 Despite general neglect of the country 's heritage , restoration is a popular topic for debate , perhaps as compensation for the lack of action .
16 If any Mercurian core separated from the mantle then it is likely that mantle temperatures became high enough for differentiation within the mantle to occur , the less dense substances moving upwards to form a crust .
17 It is a major procedure in these patients , and , unfortunately , not all patients are fit enough for surgery at the time of referral .
18 A common tactic is first to brand the victims as ’ communists ’ this has provided justification enough for murder in the past .
19 The twenty-fifth defendant , Wessex , is sued more prosaically for breach of the contract dated 1 April 1988 which has been repudiated by Wessex on the grounds of fraud .
20 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
21 Cheminage might be levied only ‘ in the places where it is accustomed and ought to be taken by ancient usage ’ , and only for wood from the king 's demesne woods .
22 Her eyes filled with tears again , not only for pity at the death of dogs .
23 ‘ He does , but only for part of the week ; the rest of the time he works at Conway House . ’
24 The wall is there only for privacy from the road .
25 , c ( 7500 is only for use in the case of hi-jacking ) .
26 Only as the car was crunching softly to a halt in the gravel of the yard did Charlotte ask suddenly , but in a tone so subdued as to suggest that she had been contemplating the question for some time , and refrained from asking it only for fear of the answer :
27 The band is used not only for worship in the citadel , but also for evangelism in public places .
28 Other sources of information include the written company review and accounts , which is usually published annually as part of the statement to the shareholders or governors , and recruitment brochures .
29 If you have been successful in treating the interview as a two-way communication then much of what you hope to say will arise naturally as part of the interchange between you .
30 The leaf-stalk is thickened with air-filled tissues inside for buoyancy of the plant .
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