Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] with a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oliver , being left to himself in the undertaker 's shop , set the lamp down on a workman 's bench , and gazed timidly about him with a feeling of awe and dread , which many people a good deal older than he will be at no loss to understand .
2 She grabbed her mug of tea , gripping it in both hands and staring down into it with an expression of such misery that one could almost imagine the dead girl 's face reflected in the surface of the liquid .
3 He went straight over to Brian , saying , ‘ So , you want escape ? ’ and started raining blows down on him with a stick .
4 Cadfael shepherded his charge within , and watched him subside gratefully on to the narrow cot , and sit there mute for a moment , laying his burden down beside him with a kind of caressing gentleness .
5 Hari asked softly and Edward looked down at her with a shrewdness that disconcerted her .
6 Hari knocked on the door and after a time it was opened by an elderly lady who stared down at her with a frown .
7 Dane glanced down at her with a frown .
8 ‘ I need a swim , ’ he said with a rueful grin , levering himself upright and glancing down at her with a look which sent her senses spinning into chaos again .
9 Mitch surmised , glancing down at her with a grin .
10 Then the door behind my head jerked open , the car light came on like a flashbulb , and there was a seven-foot black pimp snarling down at me with a mahogany baseball bat in his fist .
11 Big fellow with a Jimmy Edwards tash and a red face , swaying slightly as he bores all around him with a pack of lies about his past .
12 On 30 June Brent London Borough Council 's solicitors were put on notice that M. was complaining that he had not been served personally by them with a copy of the formal order and arranged that he be so served on 3 July .
13 He paused and she pushed his hands away from her with a violence that she felt right through her .
14 He blinked , and tore his gaze away from them with an effort .
15 He held it to his nose and smelled its furry warmth , then spun it away from him with a twinge of regret at having torn it so wantonly .
16 Pushing herself away from him with a jerk , she found herself locked into his taunting gaze .
17 She levered herself away from him with a hand on his chest and looked him dead in the eye .
18 This should be a rewarding and therefore a motivating experience if the learner does come away from it with a feeling of achievement .
19 It was then replayed almost nightly by someone with a grudge against the Royals so that amateur scanners would pick it up and make it public .
20 You 're probably better off with something with a bit more texture to it then .
21 And it brought home to me with a rush something which had been slowly dawning on me ever since I joined the Air Force ; that I had been spoiled for quite a long time now .
22 In mounting dismay she peered into the gloom , the invidious nature of her position coming home to her with a vengeance .
23 She was walking right into it with a smile on her face !
24 Responsible for giving trainer Grant Eden a broken heel after throwing him off on the gallops , Artistic Reef made up for it with a game neck victory over favourite Palacegate Episode .
25 This seems to suggest an assailant unknown to him coming up behind him with a weapon in the right hand , holding him round the neck with the left arm ( fabric traces in the teeth ) to prevent him shouting .
26 They were still standing right there as another car drew up behind them with a scream of tyres and Alain emerged , tall , dark and definitely forbidding .
27 She walked up to them with a kind of swagger .
28 He had recovered his composure , and faced up to me with a chill warmth .
29 In the next block a man I had never seen before rushed up to me with a jug .
30 Perhaps he thought that if he made a success of the concert party , word would get around amongst show business that here was someone to keep an eye on , and his big chance might come ; that someone important in the music world might come up to him with a contract in his hand and sign him up for the next ten years as a successor to Sir Malcolm Sargeant .
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