Example sentences of "[adv] [noun sg] to [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were confined for the most part to the close proximity of the waterways and some parts of the country hardly knew them at all .
2 Kinloss was a pleasant environment and the locals were extremely kind to the alien invasion , but one felt so very much out of the hurly burly of wartime England , this was made particularly clear when pupils I had trained returned for their rest period , and one did get the message that my operational background was no longer valid or right to pass on to the crews coming forward for conversion to twin-engined aircraft .
3 We give more money to the Common Market budget than we give in aid to the third world .
4 Only reference to the Artifical Horizon can be relied upon to indicate when steady flight has been achieved .
5 The festival of Sekaten is marked by a week of playing sacred musical instruments called gamelans , brought in procession to the Grand Mosque — a colourful and tuneful display .
6 She was only half-committed to the new idea herself , not nearly as sure about it as she had made out to Nails — heaven knows how they would fit in all that training , teaching three boys to ride !
7 This change came about not because we were getting too big for our binding , rather we felt we could do better justice to the rich pageant of life at Sainsbury 's with more elbow room .
8 A broad-beamed fellow like myself should have no difficulty careering it across the ironing board , although a woman or even a bachelor-wimp might sooner resort to an old-fashioned metal iron than attempt to put this monster through its paces .
9 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
10 In Waugh v British Rail Board [ 1980 ] AC 521 the House of Lords decided that where a report , following an inquiry , had been prepared as much to prevent further accidents as to obtain legal advice about potential claims , it was not privileged because its sole or dominant purpose was not submission to a legal adviser in view of litigation .
11 In January the National Party ( NP ) government outlined its plans to hand over sovereignty to a power-sharing administration .
12 If they come up with a question maybe just find out what 's being it erm not just reaction to a particular behaviour , but asking them how the feeling , you know maybe pointing to the bit in their body that 's actually feeling butterflies or whatever and trying to help them to express the fears and , more importantly , to make them concrete in terms of play , drawing , or acting it out .
13 TV offers , not access to an imagined coherence of a subject and a signified , but instead an extremely intense miming of the sliding and multiplicity of the signifier .
14 In the years that followed the Brigade was called to a vast number of outside fires , until they eventually handed over control to the National Fire Service in 1942 .
15 National coach Frank Dick went to collect the quartet for the 7.15am bus to the Olympic Stadium , and was amazed to find them still asleep .
16 Nowadays it seems there 's much more than just food to a perfect picnic .
17 The military government in Burma said it would hand over power to the pro-democracy opposition which took an overwhelming lead in the elections for the National Assembly .
18 With the approach of the second anniversary of the brutal suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations by the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , and no sign of the regime handing over power to the National League for Democracy ( NLD ) despite the latter 's sweeping electoral victory in May 1990 [ see pp. 37457-58 ; 37612 ] , there was a marked increase in tension and a renewal of violence at protests in early August .
19 A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir said that he did not see " any change or sign of moderation " in the PNC resolutions and that the PLO " was not party to the political process and we will not negotiate with it " .
20 Having said that , the hon. and learned Member for Burton makes a good point : it would offend against the views of ordinary persons and would be a crying sense of injustice if people who were not party to the aggravated crime and who had sought to distance themselves from it were found guilty because the balance of probabilities had fallen on them to prove their innocence .
21 The result is not death to the unsuccessful competitor but few or no offspring . ’
22 In the case of the EC , however , there is still resistance to a closer union , notably by Britain , in defence of what are conceived by governments at any particular time to be ‘ national interests ’ , and even if some form of supranational political organization were eventually achieved this might result , as some critics fear , in the emergence of another power bloc in the international arena , a ‘ Fortress Europe ’ , closed in particular to the Third World .
23 On Tuesday evening , the family heard that a housing association had struck a deal with a local farmer to buy a house which will be refurbished , extended and rented to the family , but a last minute call yesterday morning to the Scottish Office for more time to allow the family to move was turned down .
24 The one thing that these , and other applications have in common , is a measurement of the Hall effect , in which , in certain circumstances , a voltage is set up perpendicular to a magnetic field and a current passing through a material .
25 In contrast to this move to open up broadcasting to the free market , there is the desire to monitor and control output .
26 But he blew his chances when he said that giving up sovereignty to the European Commission was like giving in to Hitler .
27 He was also consultant to the Presidential Task Force on Human Rights .
28 Rey was probably heir to a long tradition in the matter of prompting : no prompt-box can be seen in the illustrations from the 1747 Palais-Royal performance ( illus.s ) or the 1745 Versailles performance ( illus.3 ) .
29 Although official prices rose only 2 per cent , unsatisfied consumer demand ( estimated at a value of 165,000 million roubles ) drove up inflation to an annualized rate of 7.5 per cent .
30 There is also access to a south-facing balcony at first floor level .
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