Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [v-ing] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main stumbling block had been the appointment of its chair [ see pp. 37712 ; 37777 ; 37858 ] , a problem temporarily resolved on Dec. 11 when Prince Norodom Sihanouk , who had hitherto been pressing for the chairmanship , called on the SNC to " stop talking about the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship … and have the 12 SNC members , on an equal footing , work for peace " .
2 For the players of Torpedo Moscow will not only be fighting for the honour of becoming the first side to beat Manchester United in a European tie at Old Trafford .
3 Mr Pearse said : ‘ Do not think that we have not been fighting for the price of Midland shares that we have just received .
4 We in the PAC have not been fighting for the crumbs from the master 's table . ’
5 Well everybody that was working for him had always worked in the quarries all their life , and they er they just been working for the slater company before the quarry shut down .
6 Why … well pit talk has it that the reigning world champion Ayrton Senna might just be signing for the team next season … if he comes will Nigel go … what 's his future … this is what he told Central South …
7 It 's fine if all year round you carry the bag of a genuine superstar , who might win £500,000 ; but a caddie who works for a golfer who is outside the top twenty in the Order of Merit will not exactly be reaching for the champagne every night .
8 Apparently , she did not mind him being a mop head when occupying other Government positions , but felt it would not be fitting for the role of Chancellor .
9 Coun Harford added : ‘ We shall not be campaigning for the survival of the county council .
10 But we have always been looking for the cause of the extra 40 per cent .
11 General Morillon has also been negotiating for the placing of six Muslim towns or enclaves to be put under UN protection .
12 probably been practising for the camera
13 They will of course charge for doing the job , but if you appoint somebody else as an executor and that person goes to see a solicitor the solicitor will also be charging for the job .
14 ‘ So why did Urquhart keep telling me Mills probably was working for the Russians ? ’
15 Even though the merger of these sections of capital has brought industry and finance closer together , especially through directors who sit on the boards of both industrial firms and financial institutions , the affect seems to have often been stultifying for the manufacturer .
16 Yet even though he got the chance to fight Mr Bush , he would not now be heading for the White House if it had not been for the disaster which hit the President a few days after that TV interview .
17 He had reportedly been pressing for the USA to distance itself from the peace negotiations and he was therefore opposed to a Washington venue ; he was also known to support a Middle Eastern venue to emphasize the regional , as opposed to the international , nature of the conflict .
18 But headmistress Helen Williams wo n't be reaching for the champagne glasses or festive bunting .
19 Meanwhile Today wo n't comment because of legal proceedings … they add Neither the editor nor the managing editor of Today were working for the newspaper at the time of the original article on April 25th 1989 .
20 Some scholars , especially those who have worked on English as well as Continental evidence , have recently been arguing for the role of kingship , if not in initiating , then in profiting from economic activity in both town and countryside .
21 He 'll definitely be playing for the French next week and they would n't even confirm that he 'd been banned from the scum 's next 4 matches in Europe ( which ones did they have in mind ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) .
22 If Florence Nightingale were carrying her lamp through the corridors of the National Health Service today , she would almost certainly be searching for the people in charge .
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