Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 During his trial much was made of the way he had abused his position as a doctor .
2 Disabled people had not been consulted about the way planning for the project should be arranged .
3 Reference has already been made to the way in which developments in medicine began , in the late nineteenth century , to render inadequate the traditional poor law approach to the care of the sick .
4 It can probably best be described as the way you are feeling and thinking when you meet any situation .
5 He asserted that Parliament was " not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests … but … a deliberative assembly of one nation , with one interest , that of the whole — where nor local purposes , nor local prejudices ought to guide , but the general good , resulting from the general reason of the whole " ; a contention which contains more than an echo of Rousseau , ironically , since Rousseau was adamant that the nation could not be represented in the way Burke implies .
6 The only God that one can have faith in is a God whose existence can not be demonstrated in the way that a mathematical equation can be demonstrated .
7 We might enter the room and sing our greeting accompanied by a few dance steps , but ask yourself whether the message might not be obliterated by the way our actions would be interpreted .
8 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
9 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
10 The difficulty with defining God is that the theist is perfectly entitled to claim that ‘ God ’ refers to something that can not be known in the way that other things are known .
11 Third , from a sociological point of view , grief can not be contained in the way it once was .
12 I 'm actually , I 'm quite high on as theorist as well and I like to write everything out in full and I clear structures and if I go to training sessions and they 're all over the place , it 's such a in about five minutes and I have to say hang on a minute it might not be structured in the way that you like it but you can actually learn from it .
13 Indeed the way that things are going can already be seen in the way that the company is letting its largest customers muck about with the internals of its operation with its Concert network management system .
14 In any field of employment a successful application depends to some degree on the applicant 's being seen to say and do what is expected during the selection process , and to this extent conventional selection methods can always be faulted for the way they may presume that words uttered on a form or in an interview are reliable indicators of future performance .
15 And the reality of escalating costs had also been blurred by the way in which the nuclear accounts had been publicly presented .
16 Now , if political education had been transported by means of the vehicle of citizenship from the position of ‘ low status , high risk ’ to ‘ a place in the sun ’ , had it also been transformed on the way ?
17 The frequency with which marriages dissolve will also be related to the way married couples — and the family — are integrated socially .
18 The examples used should be realistic and relevant to the pupils concerned Emphasis should also be given to the way in which percentages are used both for comparative purposes in many everyday situations and also as a numerical measure based on a 100-point scale of reference .
19 To be plausible the authority should also be limited in the way ours is : a machine that appeared certain , in the teeth of all the evidence observable by us , that such and such a transistor was failing might well have given itself away precisely because it would lack the ‘ downwards ’ inscrutability that our inner workings have for us .
20 Slowish tempos are to some degree unavoidable , because of the textural detail in Mozart 's score ; and the conductor can not altogether be blamed for the ways in which the music is softened .
21 Much of what Freud said has still not really been assimilated into the ways in which doctors and nurses , teachers , magistrates and judges , clergy and bishops speak and act .
22 While 8-track cassette recorders are n't new , in some cases the amount of signal isolation between tracks is at best poor , and so they have n't really been regarded as the way to upgrade .
23 She had n't been prepared for the way poetry came into this fitting together of parts , Shall I believe that unsubstantial Death is amorous , and that the lean abhorrèd monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour , she recited in her head , as O'Hara climbed on top and humped her beneath the rude unshaded bulb .
24 I 'll even be fighting on the way out . ’
25 She was , therefore , simply being treated in the way in which the French thought royal children should be brought up .
26 The proposers , Neil McLean and Mel Collier , head and deputy head of library services at PCL , wanted to see what could usefully be done in the way of library automation using networked microcomputers rather than the conventional multi-user access to a mainframe or large mini .
27 Yet , of course , the introduction of some kind of proportional representation system would not necessarily solve this ‘ political arithmetic ’ problem , for policy priorities would then be influenced by the way negotiations between potential coalition parties developed .
28 Until now we have been concerned with how water gets into and is distributed around the house , sometimes being heated on the way .
29 A little is known about the way the duns and the chapels with their carved slabs were used in medieval times but hardly anything about how they regarded the earlier standing stones .
30 A little is known about the way the duns and the chapels with their carved slabs were used in medieval times but hardly anything about how they regarded the earlier standing stones .
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