Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Even during the All Black tour of South Africa Ant Strachan , the surprise-packet of an All Black halfback this year , realised he was not likely to displace Jason Hewett , the World Cup no.2 halfback who has since been rejected by Mains and his selectors , from the Auckland position .
2 A Cheltenham man has since been charged with murder and wounding a second student .
3 I shall not attempt to repeat what I said then , for repetition makes bores of us all in the House ; I am glad , however , that the scepticism that greeted what I had to say about the benefits of a single European currency has since been replaced by understanding and support in several quarters .
4 If he had really only been looking for shelter and a place to doss down for the night , why look further than this ?
5 Alternatively he may consider that the transaction has only been agreed in outline and requires the lawyer to negotiate the details .
6 Carefully he tried again but Cameron took his arm and told him not to hurry unduly , the joists had only been pinned in place and they were still waiting for the long nails from Grandtully .
7 The vast majority of functional objects and many prestigious artefacts have long been manufactured from copper and its alloys .
8 Surprisingly , in the last decades is that literary studies , perhaps especially classical studies , which may seem to be at the other extreme of the academic spectrum from the sciences , have shown themselves more self confident in the use of computers than history has done , even though history is closer to the social sciences which have for long been acclimatized to quantification and computerization .
9 Boscastle itself has long been associated with smuggling and witchcraft , and today has a witchcraft museum .
10 In India , dowry taking has long been forbidden by law but it persists strongly even in the cities .
11 Lead has long been used by man and its toxic properties have long been recognised .
12 For example , the information booklets prepared for parents had obviously been written with care and many of the right sentiments were expressed .
13 The statements had furthermore been made in confidence and the liquidators claimed public interest immunity .
14 The 29-year-old has constantly been dogged by controversy and has earned himself something of a rebel tag .
15 As we have seen , for some Foucault can apparently be dismissed with ease as merely the philosopher of discontinuity , a description which is hardly adequate ; for others , criticism takes the form that he simply relativizes history , but this is really no better , for history is itself a mode of demonstrating the relativity , temporariness , and temporality of phenomena .
16 The orbitals in these compounds can be considered to lie predominantly on the metal ( or metals in a polynuclear species ) or on the ligands , or to be involved in metal-ligand interactions and so be shared between metal and ligand .
17 But it should constantly be borne in mind that law and institutions only provide a framework for human activity and , in particular , for political activity .
18 Its real efficacy can only be tested over time and it remains to be seen if clozapine is a major advance , or whether the wide spectrum of response originally found with chlorpromazine , from full recovery to no response , is merely replicated , with a general shift a bit further in the desired direction .
19 Theory could only be completed in practice and , as a result , Dewey argued that philosophy must abandon abstract metaphysics and apply itself to social engineering .
20 The House of Lords held that it did not : since the essence of dangerous driving was negligence , a driver should only be convicted of manslaughter if his driving was so bad as to amount to the gross negligence required under the third head of involuntary manslaughter ( see below ) .
21 Quality can only be achieved through passion and pride .
22 Children may only be placed in care or under the supervision of a local authority in civil proceedings if an order is made under Part IV of the Children Act 1989 .
23 In doing so they will not only be dealing with grief and loss , but also rethinking their own daily living arrangements .
24 However , s 2(8) did not apply to information provided under s 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , and it was argued on Mr Naviede 's behalf that disclosure of the transcript to the SFO should only be made on condition that it was not used in evidence .
25 Contracts for sale etc. or land to be made by signed writing 2. ( 1 ) A contract for the sale or other disposition of an interest in land can only be made in writing and only by incorporating all the terms which the parties have expressly agreed in one document or , where contracts are exchanged , in each .
26 Until relatively recently they could only be reached by sea or on foot , and even now that they are more accessible , they still retain much of their charm and unique character .
27 Certain vitamins can only be absorbed through fat and children should always receive full-fat milk . ’
28 Type in a filename and the graph template will be saved in memory and will only be stored to disk when you save it again .
29 Three options were given and the basic tasks column was taken to indicate work that could only be done under supervision or instruction , or the repetitive work such as feeding .
30 This can only be done by heat or work .
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