Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But you 've only been talking to them for a little while ! ’ said Angalo .
2 Before the Appellate Committee Mr. Newman however relied on certain additional points which had apparently been raised by him before the Divisional Court , but which the court did not in the circumstances find it necessary to consider in its judgment .
3 I felt betrayed ; I had never thought of all my friends noticing my weight , and that they had all been thinking of me as a fat person .
4 We 've all been waiting for you for hours . ’
5 looking after the littlest ones all day and and she 's obviously been speaking to them like that during
6 In Eliot 's view , the circumstances have changed so greatly over thirty years since 1924 that what was rightly said of Milton in that year can not rightly be said of him in 1954 .
7 It could either provide that all married women should hold their property as their separate property — thus giving to all married women the right to dispose of their property and to make contracts binding it which formerly could only be given to them by a will or a settlement ; or it could adopt the more straightforward course of making the capacity of a married woman to own property , make contracts , and incur liability for torts the same as that of a man .
8 He thought that precisely because it was impossible for the human mind to construct an idea of God from its inherent mental resources , such an idea could only be given to it by revelation — in other words directly implanted by God Himself .
9 When two or more persons took as tenants in common , the share of each was treated as a separate item of property which could not only be transferred by him in his lifetime , but which would pass on his death to his representatives .
10 Book loans to registered students can only be made to them in person , or on written application , if they quote their registration number .
11 Field barns were built to serve land lying some distance from the farmstead , or which could only be reached from it by way of steep hills .
12 I 've told the teeniest weeniest white lie and said that I will only be staying with you for a week or so . "
13 A number of organisations to which we spoke provided ( paid ) training for people filling such positions , despite the fact that they would only be working for them on a casual basis and might even use the skills they acquired working for other organisations .
14 Status signals are constantly being exchanged between us through what we see and hear .
15 Since the awareness from which we recoil is constantly being forced on us by pain or misfortune , no doubt many or most people can take every opportunity they have to avoid the unpleasant without being in any danger of becoming more aware of the bright side than the dark .
16 He is not bound to afford the parties an opportunity to tender evidence or submissions ; and , even if a right to do so is conferred upon them by the terms of the lease , it is doubtful whether the expert need pay any attention to them .
17 Cromwell had thrown in his lot with the Levellers when it suited him two years before and so was regarded by them as no better than a mutineer himself when he turned against them .
18 And so erm , it was n't as though these children ran across an open zebra crossing and she could see the children travelling er , walking or running all the way across the er er er er the pedestrian crossing the two children one was estimated by her to be about six years old , and the one who was actually knocked down was estimated by her to be about er , nine years old and she was n't travelling at any significant speed at all , she was travelling slowly because of the amount of traffic and she says that er the first she saw them was erm , appearing from the behind a car and dashing across the front of her car , and in fact , it was only the the the one who ran first the the older of the two children that she actually hit , she hit hit her with the near side front of er of her vehicle .
19 That rule dealt with originating applications under the Act and provided by subrule ( 7 ) that the contemnor might be punished notwithstanding that a copy of the injunction had not been served on him in accordance with Ord. 29 , r. 1(2) and that no notice had been issued or served upon him under Ord. 29 , r. 1(4) — a notice to show cause why there should not be a committal .
20 I 'd not been thinking of us as boyfriend and girlfriend , you see .
21 Dougal had not been listening to her for at least a minute .
22 That is a ground which has not been urged upon me by counsel in this case and I do not rely upon that ground only in dealing with this matter .
23 The issue has not been discussed with me during my time as Secretary of State at any conference under the Anglo-Irish Agreement , and I am perfectly clear about what response I would give if it were raised .
24 The Leeds said the plan to close 60 of its 481 branches across the country was part of its long-term strategy and had not been forced on it by the housing recession .
25 The Secretary of State wrote : ’ I can assure you that the action the company has taken has not been forced on it by any of the measures the Government has introduced following the MMC's report on the brewing industry . ’
26 It must be understood that the brewers ' actions have not been forced upon them by the legislation .
27 But she did believe that her revelations had not been bestowed upon her for herself but for everybody .
28 Whatever money 's left over that 's not been committed by you , if they find that they 've got fifteen hundred say , that 's not been committed by you at the end of the financial year , that will automatically go into deposit
29 And she realized that the anger had not been directed at her at all .
30 His name had not been mentioned to her at all yet she knew his name from the description straight away .
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