Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] at [art] time of " in BNC.

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1 Paragraph 21 exposes a gap , pointing out that an innocent acquisition followed by a dishonest decision to keep or dispose of the property was in general not larceny and that larceny by finding was committed only where at the time of the finding the finder believed that the owner could be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
2 Some believe that Jacobitism was a fairly significant force both within the Tory party and in society at large ( especially north of the border ) , so that at the time of the Hanoverian succession there was a realistic chance that a Jacobite coup might succeed .
3 The 27 finalists are listed below and at the time of going to press they are poised for the grand final in London .
4 As with an unsigned contractual document , this method of incorporation will work only if at the time of making the contract the buyer actually knew of the existence of the terms or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring them to his attention .
5 Nadim Bashir , defending , said Fulcher , of Spencerfield Crescent , Thorntree , Middlesbrough , now accepted his marriage was over but at the time of the incident there were problems over access to their children .
6 Suppose also that at the time of the buyer 's liquidation the buyer owed £500 to the seller under another contract .
7 Critics pointed out that at the time of the White Paper and in the process of polytechnic designation there had been little or nothing in the shape of academic planning .
8 Even if at the time of sale the purchaser does not intend such rationalisation , it will not wish to fetter its discretion to do so in the future and to be able to adapt the business as it wishes to changing market circumstances .
9 It followed therefore that at the time of the accident the brewery still owed him a duty of care under s. 2 OLA 1957 .
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