Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [vb past] up the " in BNC.

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1 But suddenly , just as I grabbed up the half-eroded head of a carved-stone monkey , I found my finger caught so fast between its gritty teeth that a gasp broke from me .
2 It was after nine-thirty when we finished , because I remember that Mrs Reynolds had gone home and I washed up the cups myself . ’
3 I was carried ignominiously between two colleagues back to the car and greeted my wife with the sheepish grin she had been dreading ever since I took up the sport .
4 It was dark and the sea was rising rapidly as I came up the firth , keeping the bows in the direction of the flashing lighthouse on the White Hill of Vatster .
5 While it was charming I was not at all happy there so I gave up the grandiose life and moved over to the Peel Street YMCA .
6 could n't tell you but er these cars turned up erm , there were n't no hearse and off they went and er course when I went up the garden to get some washing in Claire came up and er anyway she said er about Mr and I said well I assume it was him , I saw Mrs and she starts on about this dog barking out in the garden again !
7 Only the young Swede and the attendant took a sympathetic interest and pointed helpfully as I gathered up the meatballs and deposited them in the ashtray .
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