Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] she [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Melissa smiled fondly as she put down the phone .
2 ‘ How long 's this been going on ? ’ she asked gently as she cleaned up a nasty cut on the woman 's arm .
3 Only when she stretched out a hand to replace her own receiver did Fabia realise that she was shaking .
4 It shone through , not only by the dedication she demonstrated to earn her outstanding successes internationally in both lawn tennis and golf but — in a way — even more so as she faced up the cruel two-year reality of fighting a terminal illness until her recent death at the age of 45 .
5 And your Mum ca n't afford toilet paper for her pussy , so when she slides down the banister and says like blurgh , la blah la blah loo !
6 By rights she should be sleeping the sleep of the just by now , she realised despondently as she switched on the bedside lamp — instead she 'd been reliving everything over and over in her mind .
7 Jenna came back to the present rapidly and painfully as she tripped over a fallen and partially sunken log .
8 Just as she came out the council she said I I 'm just outside the council offices ringing you .
9 ‘ I 'll give you fifteen minutes ; then I 'm coming back in , ’ he said , putting his head round the door just as she threw back the covers .
10 For the next couple of years , Sinitta was dog-less as she ran up an amazing string of chart hits with the guidance of the nowlegendary Stock , Aitken and Waterman .
11 She saw Elaine as soon as she walked up the planked wooden steps to the bar , and noticed as she drew closer that her friend was already tipsy .
12 As soon as she picked up the receiver I 'd say , ‘ It 's Robina , ’ and then cut off .
13 " Essoldo Cinema , good morning , " it said again , as soon as she picked up the receiver in the hall .
14 Since you arrived , ever since she picked up the … vibrations between us , that first lunchtime , she has done everything in her power to stir up trouble , including that episode in my office , and tonight 's performance .
15 Suddenly she came alive and her hazel eyes lit up as she took out a large album from a walnut bureau .
16 He did not look up as she advanced down the long and beautiful room .
17 Donna did n't slow up as she roared up the slope .
18 Feeny laughs , whispers , ‘ Cocorico ’ ; they whisper back and she takes up the thread where she left off back in the bathroom :
19 She was grabbed from behind as she walked along a footpath near Monks Way in Milton Keynes .
20 She was grabbed from behind as she walked along a footpath near Monks Way in Milton Keynes .
21 So why was her heart beating so wildly as she pulled out the card , as if its message was somehow important ?
22 Lindsey smiled sympathetically as she handed over a prescription .
23 Those who break the law face up to two years in jail , although a pregnant women herself is exempt , even if she carries out an abortion on herself .
24 But even as she flung out a hand to save herself she was whisked off her feet and pulled into the secure haven of fitzAlan 's arms .
25 ‘ I do n't know why you 're laughing , ’ said my mother coldly as she put down the phone ;
26 She walked past him into the tiny hallway and picked up her bags , noticing with relief that he was n't around when she fled up the narrow wooden stairs to one of the three bedrooms , the one furthest away from his .
27 Hardly able to see a hand in front of her , but refusing to be daunted , Luce moved as fast as she dared down an alley-way little more than a metre wide .
28 No , it came about because she put down a what card and I
29 Leonora eyed him warily as she switched off the transistor .
30 The mare was breathing hard as she trotted up the pastureland .
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