Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You spoke about what was said in the brochure that management charges had been or would be running at about a rate of inflation , we can see it on page fifty six , it 's better if you look at it I think , rather than I parrot phrase , see fifty six if you so kind now see fifty six is talking about at Broadstone will the management charges greatly increase the answer is no management service , er , sorry has appointed U K leading management specialist for several reasons , firstly because of their professional caring attitude , secondly because time has shown that management charges , rises the rate either slightly below or at the levelled inflation when that brochure was produced in respect of that development was that statement true or was it not ?
2 The largest Old World vulture , all dark , with outline similar to Griffon , but tail rather longer and usually more wedge-shaped , so that at a great distance can be confused with a sea eagle ( p. 71 ) .
3 Something inside me stretched as I walked so that at the same time I was walking on the top of those hills .
4 It certainly has a bearing , er it , it has a bearing in two directions , it causes price increases and cost increases at the same time for the producers , so that at the same time as there are price increases , increasing inflation , there is a reduction in production .
5 In theory , a wound ball with the maximum initial velocity allowable , 255 feet per second , at 65°F , will fly some 10 yards less than at the standard temperature .
6 For seventeen years Father Conlin had been closely involved in the educational provision of the Diocese , a far from easy task but one in which he achieved much and at the same time earned the respect and affection of Clergy , Governors and Teachers .
7 " Nowhere " , he wrote , is there so much and at the same time so little centralization as there is in Russia .
8 Four months in France had quietened her down and at the same time given her a veneer of sophistication quite lacking before .
9 I heard myself say to him , though the different sections of my brain seemed to have slipped out of synch somehow , and I was aware of all sorts of different things at once , and time seemed to have slowed down and at the same time some part of my brain was racing , trying to come up with some logical explanation for what was going on that did n't involve calamity … and failing .
10 Growth in export markets has slowed down and at the same time new malting capacity has come on stream leading to a very competitive market place .
11 In a provocative comparison of the failures of the French and Russian revolutions , he argued that the problem stemmed from the fact that no class , whether proletarian or bourgeoisie , can become the ruling class without taking upon itself something of the historical role of a ruling class — especially if at the same time it also considers that , history carries within itself its own cure' :
12 ‘ Well , we can do something about that straightaway and at the same time keep you under observation .
13 In what he called ‘ a new architecture for a new era ’ , Mr Baker outlined closer co-operation between Western Europe and the US which would bind the West closer together while at the same time ‘ opening up the doors to the East ’ .
14 Quinn 's tough background dictated that he had to know how to take care of himself , especially when at a young age he moved from his native Mexico into an area of Los Angeles where everyone was either Irish , Mexican or black .
15 It 's an imaginary fox , yes and so when at the very end of the poem he says when he says the window is starless still the clock ticks the page is printed .
16 It has long been the view of central government that these forecasts are much more accurate if they are made at a local rather than at a national level ( Hammond , 1984 ) .
17 Where they tended to go wrong was at the micro rather than at the macro level : a mishandling of the relationship between parts rather than the parts themselves .
18 This will reduce Target 's profits that are subject to corporation tax to £100 , providing Target with an economic benefit of £33 ( assuming that it pays corporation tax at the full rate rather than at the small company 's rate under s13 ) .
19 He spoke on a radio programme on which Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley defended AIDS spending cuts , saying the campaign should now be aimed at ‘ groups most at risk ’ rather than at the wider population .
20 As a result , business was dictated by local tastes and tended to be conducted in the closing stages of the fair rather than at the private view , which used to be marked by dealers trading among themselves .
21 The difficulty here in handling the ( a ) variable following Labov 's model ( which assumes an underlying structural identity ) is that the ( a ) systems in RP and in Scottish English are embedded in structurally different phonologies ; as a consequence the range of realizations in Glasgow does not correspond in any simple way to the range in RP , where there is a distinction at the phonemic level between front and back / a / rather than at the subphonemic level as in Glasgow .
22 Even by 1926 party contacts between the capital and Smolensk were to remain mostly at the written rather than at the human level .
23 When a new issue of bonds is made , the Bank of England will set a minimum price somewhat below the £100 face value and then invite tenders for these bonds above or at the minimum price .
24 Cut , move to a new position further away and at a different angle .
25 Unfortunately , the negotiations for a depôt site in Raleigh Road fell through and at the last minute , the company had to seek another site .
26 However , just as at a certain place on the earth 's surface we can still call ‘ down' ’ the direction towards the centre of the earth , so a living organism that finds itself in such a world at a certain period of time can define the ‘ direction ’ of time as going from the less probable state to the more probable ( the former will be the ‘ Past' ’ and the latter the ‘ Future' ’ ) and by virtue of the definition he will find that his own small region , isolated from the rest of the universe , is ‘ initially' ’ always in an improbable state .
27 By presenting the information on a videodisc which managers could view quickly , locally and at a convenient time , BT reduced the cost of the exercise to £15 per manager .
28 Follow a wall to a gate , turn right and at the bottom head west to the road .
29 However , a group of retailers , eg Spar or VG grocers , may join together to advertise effectively and at a reasonable cost .
30 A leaking gutter , for instance , can be repaired quickly and at a small cost , but if the leak remains unnoticed , water could seriously damage the fabric , resulting in expensive repairs for the future . ’
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