Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb infin] [noun] [unc] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had developed an extreme closeness with two of the doctors , and I called them , and they both agreed to go in and evaluate Ron 's condition and get back to me , and I said I would abide by their decision .
2 With images of picket-line strife , the broadcast warned : ‘ The last thing we need now is for Labour to come in and wreck Britain 's recovery . ’
3 If he does it 'll be interesting to see whether or not he might be the player to come in and take Gary 's place and see whether he can strike up a partnership with .
4 It seemed it might be one of those nights when frustration would creep in and undermine Villa 's supremacy .
5 ( 1988 ) and HMI ( DES 1990c ) , to reduce rather than enhance children 's learning , in some situations and in the hands of some teachers , at least .
6 Rather than match China 's firmness , it can be confidently predicted , the Hong Kong authorities will follow past form , cease muttering about their shock and horror over Tiananmen , and return to bland assurances that the negotiations with Peking about a post-1997 ‘ Basic Law ’ for Hong Kong are going well .
7 Rain was going to conceal her knowledge of his searches but Oliver bounced in with : ‘ Why did n't you ask rather than search Rain 's bag and car ? ’
8 This was the aporia detected by Merleau-Ponty : but rather than question Marxism 's truth , Sartre sought to remove its indetermination .
9 Ironically , these qualitative differences between men and women have actually been used to explain away and neglect women 's unemployment ; their unemployment is not perceived as a problem because it is not the same as men 's .
10 ‘ Boys , ’ I said , ‘ let's go ashore and find Flint 's treasure . ’
11 will you run over and tell Melissa 's mummy that I 'll pick M I 'll bring Melissa home for her ?
12 NOW that the summer is upon us why not get out and explore Edinburgh 's countryside areas .
13 In the course of doing so you can , of course , set out and discuss McNaghten 's case .
14 Mr Spooner said : ‘ It is a scandal that the Government is prepared to sit back and see Amsterdam 's Schiphol airport promote itself as the ideal destination for passengers from the UK regions wishing to connect with inter-continental flights .
15 ‘ Ben Gunn , ’ they said , ‘ you can stay here and find Flint 's money .
16 His reversal astonished Derby , who realised that the plot was dead and wrote at once to Austen Chamberlain to explain that he intended to turn about and support Baldwin 's decision to meet Parliament .
17 ‘ Would you like to go round and hold Jannie 's hand on Thursday night , Bob ? ’ said Dyson at the office one morning .
18 Flashman may go ahead and appoint Fry 's successor without awaiting the conclusion of his talks with the consortium .
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