Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun sg] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He might put down until kingdom come the dully literal truth of the way she talked , but when it was written out it was clearly not credible , except maybe as the English of Nkrumah , or of an Eskimo who had studied the language by gramophone record .
2 Even if these are used only after employment ends the implied duty not to use or disclose them will mean that the employer can effectively prevent any competition based on breach .
3 I think that this erm criterion nine relates to is is of the type of new settlement rather than helping select the general location .
4 The programme itself becomes the focus of treatment , rather than therapy to resolve the underlying psychological problems .
5 Just as war began the Communist Party had published a short pamphlet How to Win the War , which outlined the Party 's continued opposition to fascism and its intention of participating in the war effort .
6 Just as officialdom saw the legendary return of salmon to the Thames as evidence that Britain 's water pollution was cured , so it gloried in the Clean Air Acts of the 1950s and turned a ‘ blind eye ’ to dying lakes , moribund trees and the links between car exhaust and human health that became apparent in the 1980s .
7 I sat one night at Pinewood Studios with him right until make-up call the next day while he spoke about Errol Flynn the entire time .
8 The closest he comes to it is , I think , in the passage quoted earlier in which he says that ‘ though when I say Gold is a metal , I say by implication that if there be any other metals it must resemble them , yet if there were no other metals I might still assert the proposition with the same meaning as at present , namely that gold has the various properties implied in the word metal ’ .
9 He sure as hell found the right one if anonymity is what he 's after .
10 And my lads are staying out until Management reinstates the innocent victim . ’
11 In so far as socialism means the collective ownership and management of the economy and social relations , it requires an extensive administrative apparatus .
12 Even where knowledge appears the same though , there is often a difference in the way it is applied and understood .
13 Even when laissez-faire disappeared the political assumptions of limited government remained .
14 The Palais Club had a membership in 1928 ‘ well past the ½ thousand mark ’ and it grew fast as dancing became the major pastime of the 30s and 40s .
15 Clear-cut quinine resistance emerged in Asia in the early 1980s when this drug became more widely used , even though quinine has the shortest half-life of all antimalarials and is not given prophylactically .
16 For most people this introduction took place in early childhood , and the failure is made manifest by the steady disillusionment which , all too often as the years go by and adulthood brings the inevitable struggle of innate common sense to prevail , leaves them either cynical and faithless , or constrained to join some form of sectarian cult .
17 While it is difficult to prove that cigarette advertising encourages children to start smoking , children tend to smoke the brands that are promoted most heavily and advertising reinforces the smoking habit [ 6 ] .
18 Bernard went into hiding and was only heard of again when news reached the Israeli Mossad that he had been assassinated in a car-bomb attack in Beirut .
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