Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since they have been disturbed and more than a little frightened in the process they will vacate the burrow , will very likely feed and then either lie rough on the surface somewhere or go to ground in a completely fresh burrow system .
2 We go in and move from room to room .
3 She sat down and set to work on the files .
4 If we 're not careful they 'll be demanding single table bargaining and they 'll be then putting us in the minority in local authorities and we 're gon na see this union under tremendous offensive as a quarter of our membership in local authorities , so we need to get our act together and get on top of this now .
5 Put both feet almost together and jump from side to side .
6 Neaten shoulder seam allowances together and press towards front of sleeve ( 1 ) .
7 When they had done her back , they turned her over and set to work on her front .
8 8 Turn the stuffed turkey over and tie with string into a neat shape .
9 It is worthwhile to anticipate events a little and quote at length from the Governors ' Statement of that same month :
10 ‘ I had to go up to Clapton yesterday and haggle with Antinou for hours over that bloody Egyptian cotton .
11 ‘ Tell 'em it 'll cost an extra 50 grand if they want me to take all my clothes off and get in bed with Lucifer ’
12 Here are a couple who must be just rejoicing in this kind of weather because when it 's cold the only way they get warm is to take their shoes or boots off and go into bed in the early evening with all their clothes on .
13 Did he behave like a guest or did he take his jacket off and sit in front of the fire like one of the family ? ’
14 Yeah , well they well they go up the Legion and have a couple of pints , go to the bookie and put some horses on , go home and sit in front of the telly watching horses like .
15 It is common to turn the bureau telephone answering machine on with the recorded message that an adviser is not available to take the call and the potential client should call again later or come in person to the bureau .
16 If he lay there until the morning , assuming he did not pass out , or drown , or spew up and choke to death in the meantime , he would be found when the boys came in to wash ; the humiliation would be unbearable and the whole story would be all over the school by breakfast .
17 Drink the water at the spring or well , then curl up and go to sleep near the point of issue , after invoking the anima mundi .
18 ‘ Here we have Wren Boys who dress up and go from door to door asking for money , every St Stephen 's Day , ’ she said .
19 So if you bagged it up and put for sale on it , fifty pence .
20 The children , like all others , grow up and pass through childhood into adolescence .
21 I jump up and stand in front of them .
22 Did you then and there take off your hat , and throw it up and cheer with joy in consequence of that defeat ? ’
23 You can either record this and play it back or stand in front of a friend and let them criticize and make helpful suggestions .
24 Turn left and go alongside hedge on left side of the field and leave field by stile at far end ( near corner ) .
25 Roll out and cover in turn with half the fondant .
26 Whether to do the sensible thing — chicken out and run for shelter from the bitter blast of the elements ?
27 There is only one solution to bad knots — cut them out and start from scratch with proper brushing .
28 Go upwards and stand on top of the wall ( above the window ) , go to the left of the wall and paint some ledges , then go onto the wall on the left , go left and shoot the switch , go up on the painted ledges and head right along the wall above you , go up on the trampoline and paint the button , go left along the passage , jump onto the trampoline , and from there onto the ledge on the left wall , jump to collect the painting , fall down and go up on the right of the window ( paint some ledges ) .
29 He had been debating whether to go down there or get in touch with the record office of the ATS when , returning one day from an unsuccessful interview for a job with a theatrical agent , he had happened to bump into Eleanor Fuller in Piccadilly .
30 ‘ I have friends over there and keep in touch by phone to make sure they 're OK . ’
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