Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb pp] by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time Gwalia House was closed down and replaced by a quaint shop in the historic market town of Shrewsbury .
2 I.A. Richards has defined metaphor like this : " In the simplest formulation , when we use a metaphor we have two thoughts of different things active together and supported by a single word , or phrase , whose meaning is a resultant of their interaction . "
3 Loopholes had already been made in the stone walls of Gemioncourt 's huge barns which , like the buildings of so many of the isolated farms in the low countries , were joined together and protected by a high stone wall , making the whole farm into a massively strong fortress .
4 In 1863 it was all but gutted by a disastrous fire , but mercifully the ashlar-faced east façade remained entirely intact with its projected balustraded bay , its shell-headed niches , its eccentric demonstration of Doric , Ionic and Corinthian columns in three tiers — all in Purbeck stone .
5 The prospective councillors will number two dozen ( rather than the sparse but active dozen originally sought ) ; there will continue to be a rather odd balance of journalists and lay members , selected rather than nominated by a quangoid committee .
6 The prospective councillors will number two dozen ( rather than the sparse but active dozen originally sought ) ; there will continue to be a rather odd balance of journalists and lay members , selected rather than nominated by a quangoid committee .
7 Burger was very thin and very tall ; he sat back in his armchair , his bony frame draped rather than clothed by a grey light-weight suit .
8 Freckenhorst Abbey Church ( 332 ) is typical , with flanking , circular western towers and a cliff-like central mass with a tiny doorway at the bottom , tiny windows above and surmounted by a tall roof and turret .
9 Not until gripped by a severe crisis of confidence at the end of the 1870s would the authorities be driven again to blend repression with conciliation .
10 On May 20-22 up to 3,000 squatters in Arak , western Iran , the second largest industrial city , had burnt similar buildings after a boy was run over and killed by a municipal truck .
11 In many modern machines the stress and strain values are collected digitally and processed by a small computer to give direct values of and tan — .
12 Extensive canvassing showed the race issue to be , at best , marginal , more than counter-balanced by a strong pro-Taylor vote from many non-Tory constituents .
13 Many fruits change colour as they reach maturity and this can be a useful indicator , although not in every case : apples will often colour up early if occupied by a burrowing pest , some pear varieties only change colour once in store and marrows are past their best when they turn yellow .
14 Children with poor appetites are often put off when faced by a large mound of food on their plates .
15 In each case the idea was generated internally and driven by a dynamic chief executive .
16 Richmond will be on a three-man panel of soccer experts on the BBC2 North programme Leagues Apart at 7.30pm and followed by a local radio phone-in .
17 Soldering must be carried out with great care , noting that most ties will melt instantly if touched by a soldering iron or molten solder .
18 Within the southern suburb , many of the 1956–7 structures were apparently disused by the second half of the century , their footings being robbed out or cut by a new ditch alongside Ermine Street .
19 The animals need more energy to propel themselves if the water around them is turbulent rather than laminar and Blake predicts that dolphins are able to reach crossover speeds even if surrounded by a turbulent layer of water .
20 Self-satisfied spokesmen for the bourgeoisie were inclined to overstress the improvement , though none would deny what Sir Robert Giffen ( 1837–1900 ) , looking back on the British half-century before 1883 , tactfully called ‘ a residuum still unimproved ’ , nor that the improvement ‘ even when measured by a low ideal , is far too small ’ , nor that ‘ no one can contemplate the condition of the masses of the people without desiring something like a revolution for the better ’ .
21 The three best moments of his career were , appropriately , the concert highlights : ‘ Wo n't Get Fooled Again' , ‘ 5.15 ’ and , despite the easy jokes , ‘ My Generation ’ , whose lyrics still have some pertinence even when sung by a 45 year old .
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