Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Go straight in cos they 've just gone in .
2 I was kneeling down and you had just fallen on the floor .
3 Lay , right , give me the pen , right do said and do lay after come on work your way across , hurry up Stacey please work your way across not down and you 've just dropped your pen have n't ya ?
4 They 're too fucking old man , the commi you 've got all this down and I 've just slagged them off .
5 So if you do just measure the angle they say , Find the gradient and erm find the the angle .
6 He liked Hana 's mother well enough but she had just refused to learn any English at all , and every visit was a strain .
7 Rather less because we 've just taken some money out of the budget .
8 Only because I 've just had my appraisal .
9 Especially since I 've just had influenza , arthritis , pneumonia and eczema ! ’
10 A book about voodoo in Haiti written in the 1930s might seem an unlikely candidate for an NI Classic — especially since it has just gone out of print .
11 Especially since you 'd just asked me about investing in your business … ’
12 She longed to say it to his face , but somehow she could n't quite bring herself to do so , especially as they had just agreed to try to bring about a better working relationship .
13 So I said well it 's only when you 've just had a baby like , you know , like cows .
14 I respect them , especially so as he has just come from South Africa .
15 ‘ I do n't have to defend myself to you , or explain myself , especially when you 've just said that the truth is irrelevant ! ’
16 It 's just that I 've just got too many at , it can only be done a week before
17 Not that we came just to see you .
18 Not if she had just moved .
19 It was not until they had just left the Church that Joan discovered they were going for two weeks to Tenerife .
20 They , they , what they 'd been doing was shooting them over and they 'd just had n't been exploded , they said dud shell or something .
21 Who can dispute the fact that , if the figures were not as I have just announced and if industrial relations had not improved , we could not have attracted our record level of inward investment from across the world ?
22 We 've just as I 've just said , we 've just finished reorganising our department .
23 sor he said I 'm sorry he 's going just when I 've just broke him in .
24 Well that 's , but not when I 've just sold six .
25 ‘ They must n't forget there 's a recession going on and we 've just got to be realistic about money . ’
26 I ran into a earlier on and it 's just opened again .
27 Very fortunately , for goldfinches and linnets , I soon discovered , happened to be two of the reserve 's commonest species and it would have been akin to rushing out to tell my neighbours back home that I had just seen a sparrow in the yard .
28 The time is now 7.30 p.m. and I have just finished a very good meal of my favourite steak and kidney out of , of course , the self-heating tin .
29 I 'm not like overly fat or anything , I 'm the right weight for what I 'm , for my height like but I 've just got a pot belly
30 ‘ Possibly because the new ventilation system I 've recently supervised being installed in a factory in one of the Arab Emirates has proved so successful that I have orders for two more , or possibly because I 've just spent four weeks at full stretch in a very hot country with very little relaxation and deserve a holiday — but more probably because I own a majority stockholding in the company I bought cheap and built up to its present eminence , which gives me the position of chairman and managing director and full autonomy in deciding what I do , where I do it and with whom . ’
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