Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [prep] [art] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Whether or not those complaints were justified is another matter ; enough that at the time I felt they were .
2 Li Yuan stood at the rail , looking out across the darkness of the lake , his sense of ease , of inner stillness , lulling him so that for a time he seemed aware only of the dull murmur of the voices behind him and the soft lapping of the water against the wooden posts of the jetty .
3 At the same time , in political terms , Costa Rica has been drawn much more closely into the US sphere of influence during the 1980s , moving away from the neutral stance it previously took , so that for a time it was one of the host countries for the US-backed Nicaraguan Contras .
4 ‘ Many seem to increase their speed so that by the time they take the left hand fork to Cuckoo 's Corner pick your own farm , they are often doing speeds over 50mph . ’
5 We filled that and while they were eating that we kept the hay , hay , cut it through a rick , a big thin knife , you know , fill the remainder of the racks with the hay , so that by the time they 'd gone and finished that they 'd gone in to eat the hay , then we 'd got the yard free to litter it out , and to straw it on both sides , one would be on the , one down on the bottom to pull straw down into the yard , and that was .
6 The Khan 's gaze started at his feet and travelled slowly up his body so that by the time their eyes met the Khan was leaning back and holding on to his knees to stop himself falling over .
7 Although he can not escape from the linearity of language ( see 7.2 , 7.5.3 ) , James does the next best thing , which is to fasten our attention initially on the most immediate feature of Pemberton 's predicament : his uncomfortable sense of indecision , and then to expatiate on it so that by the time we have threaded our way through two paragraphs , we have built up a sensitive grasp of the coexisting intricacies and ironies of that predicament ( the ironies will concern us in section C below ) .
8 It was late in the afternoon now , later than I thought it would be , and shadows were long on the grass before us , so that by the time we 'd travelled the leafy lane to Flanders Hall and had followed the road past the Grange to West Burton village green , it was early evening .
9 I eased the BMW off the M20 at Wrotham so that by the time we got to the A227 our speed was almost legal .
10 Right , erh what I 'd like to do then is er I say could you just introduce yourself or what you 're working on at the moment where you work and then the sort of presentations that you make er and then give us one of your objectives so that by the time we 've got right round the room we 'll er hopefully have everybody .
11 laughter so that by the time we came to do the five practical ev exercises you know everybody was in a very relaxed and jolly mood but I think that 's was it 's about but from the results that we were getting from the practical exercises clearly what he said had taken root you know roll key words , roll them around in your mind er try running through letters of the alphabet to match up with your key word chains and you know if if if the word is ball try roll see if you can get it to rhyme and ultimately the creme de la creme is if you can actually get the title of a song or
12 The face will fill out , the limbs will unwind and the real Gemma will emerge , so that by the time she is six months old even a stranger will be able to tell her from Carla Marie .
13 She was impressive in full flight and the crowd yielded , so that by the time she reached the door he was only yards the other side .
14 Artemis put her heels down , straightened her back and softened her rein , so that by the time she caught her father up , she had Buttons perfectly controlled .
15 Then he felt resentful for being made to feel guilty , so that by the time he got back to the Questura all the benefits of his walk had been cancelled out .
16 Each corner contained a runner of sorts , which increased the rope drag , so that by the time I peeped round into the main central corner that was clearly the key to the route , the drag was very serious .
17 However , as knowledge becomes increasingly use-specific , its portability declines , perhaps so much so that by the time it is embodied in a specific new product it can only spill over to producers of very similar substitute products .
18 Then you go in and by the time you 've arrived at his bedside , he will have acquired a dim grasp of where he is .
19 He had been urgently summoned by the sexton , whom the vicar had sent off on horseback , and he was annoyed at being dragged from his bed in Kettlewell , so early on Christmas Eve ; especially as by the time he arrived it was all over .
20 It 's just that at the time it all seemed so beautiful and important , it was like some kind of historical event .
21 Everybody sees a different picture and of course most people see do n't see it anyway because by the time they look and see what 's happened it 's already happened .
22 He moved so rapidly that by the time she had recovered enough to scream they were driving towards her flat .
23 So we did n't get very much ti time off and by the time we got back to our rooms at night we were so terribly tired you just dropped into bed .
24 I started using oil more and more and by the time I was ten I was using Cubist techniques .
25 I started using oil more and more and by the time I was ten I was using Cubist techniques .
26 So I flipped some cattle from the farm of and right between Egilsay and Rousay just a short distance , oh maybe a quarter of a miles or thereby , and oh did the shipping perfectly well and and went home and by the time I got home the message had arrived back before me that the there were two old cattle among the younger ones that the fellow had put there just to feed up and the last we saw of them was going up over the island and that was okay we thought everything was okay .
27 Not so much because I do n't understand the subject ( that is no real obstacle to a lecturer ) , but more because of the time we are likely to consume , even if we keep a respectable distance from quantum mechanics and concentrate solely on phenomenological theories .
28 Within another two minutes Simmons was two-thirds towards completing his hat trick after he outpaced all six defenders and side-footed the ball past goalkeeper Slack , who had been caught unawares as at the time he was trying to impress a group of young girls in the crowd by swinging on the crossbar .
29 And her daughter I think she must have been getting on because around the time she told me that she was eighty , she happened to mention that her daughter was forty .
30 ‘ But we had managers who were trying to get us to play the steak houses of LA , which is like a trip to nowhere , and yet there was this cult thing growing on the East Coast and in the South , and it turned out that by the time we joined Fleetwood Mac we were headlining in our own right to five thousand people in the South and East , but totally starving in LA !
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