Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] it into the " in BNC.

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1 ’ Farrell switched the two-way off and jammed it into the seat pocket beside him .
2 He folded the tissue carefully and tucked it into the back of his notebook .
3 She had scrumpled it up and tossed it into the wastepaper basket with an insouciant laugh … well , more of a furious scowl , actually , and then had had to put up with Helena asking whether Matthew Prescott was that rather super chap who had been featured in GQ a short while ago .
4 Instead you were given a medicine bottle , bought a stick of liquorice , cut this up and stuck it into the bottle .
5 She indicated the glass of milk on the table and moved to pick it up and take it into the kitchen .
6 Alice crumpled it up and pushed it into the kitchen bin .
7 He picked it up and threw it into the flames .
8 Hold the pattern sheet ( clipped into the pattern sleeve ) with the arrow pointing downwards and slide it into the slot at the top of the console .
9 Later that afternoon I saw a horse-drawn van pull up outside the cottage and soon a burly fellow was fetching furniture out and loading it into the van .
10 That 's to say someone is leaving and we are going to take that post out and put it into the food section , and on b , I would say to Matthew that before committing us to a budget of two and a half thousand against a background of ten percent cuts , I would suggest that the health educational help-line and their day-long courses for E H Os might be made good use of in the forth-coming year .
11 Just you come down here right now and get it into the hedge , quickly ! ’
12 Getting him to eat was no problem , but preventing him throwing his food around or trampling it into the floor was .
13 Then suddenly the boar had turned about and hurled it into the air .
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