Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Typically , the National Front would announce an intention to meet in or march through a racially sensitive area , and the Socialist Workers Party would then declare their determination to demonstrate against fascism at the same time .
2 More copper in the wire means it holds the core better and makes for a more ductile string , but while it 's a great sounding string , it 's the one with the shortest life .
3 The aim is for the parents to fill them in as accurately as possible , so they should be simple to fill in and placed in an easily accessible place in the home .
4 Even old Florence had been brought in and sat in the most comfortable armchair while they talked .
5 Knocker 's bored looking battered features brightened as Yanto walked in and leaned on the well used but polished bar .
6 " One " and " we " as ways of referring to yourself should be avoided because they now seem ARCHAIC ( old-fashioned ) , and in most cases pompous in an unpublished essay , especially if embedded in a more colloquial register .
7 Unfortunately , this admirable attempt to streamline this vital area has been all but defeated by the bafflingly thick four bolt neck plate .
8 However , like all else , hostile value-judgements such as these assume significance only when placed within a clearly articulated historical context .
9 She trotted off again , through a really insalubrious area known as Bligh 's Corner , after some landlord , long dead , and she unconsciously quickened her pace a little so as to arrive in the relatively respectable square where the rectory stood , next door to St Jude 's church where Dr Neil 's household worshipped every Sunday .
10 In order to maximize the use of existing resources , the enforcement regime must impose heavy sanctions so as to compensate for the relatively low risk of detection and prosecution .
11 Public administration also often has to satisfy equity criteria in its treatment of individual cases , especially when acting in a quasi judicial role .
12 Rather than moving towards the much vaunted Japanese way of doing things , America is moving in the opposite direction .
13 When a norm is internalized , it is part of a person , automatically expressed in behaviour , rather than regarded in a more detached way as a rule external to the self .
14 Because the definition of ‘ informal carer ’ can be so vague , we decided to focus on each person 's principal carer ( if there was one ) , defined on the objective criterion that he or she spent a minimum of seven hours per week ( on average one hour per day ) doing things with or on behalf of the dementia sufferer , rather than rely on the more subjective criterion of who appears to be most responsible for the sufferer .
15 Pain and its Conquest concentrates on perception cognition and emotion , and the ways of manipulating these by verbal and intellectual means rather than concentrating on the more traditional methods of control by cutting , by blocking or the more recent manipulating of existing control systems by chemical or electrical stimulation .
16 For example , most scientists are now convinced that the cerebral cortex is parcellated into specialized sub-areas rather than working as a fully integrated system .
17 It was a silent final , one of the decisive points being David Smith 's decision to quietly take an easy single at the fourth end rather than wait for a more decisive 2 at the later end .
18 Yet Labour has a bigger vested interest in there being a European Parliament which — during the transition to a more federal union — co-legislates with the Council , rather than exists as a largely powerless consultative assembly .
19 Why does it seem important that the answer should have some ‘ objective ’ quality about it , an insight into history , society , knowledge , rather than point to a merely personal obsession ?
20 In fact , rather than talking of an explicitly ‘ Woodville ’ affinity , it is probably more realistic to see the family as part of the royal connection .
21 In fact , rather than talking of an explicitly ‘ Woodville ’ affinity , it is probably more realistic to see the family as part of the royal connection .
22 An ear the size of a flying saucer appeared for a moment and then was whisked away and replaced by a no less monstrous nose and half an eye .
23 Moments of self-doubt , fear , determination and rapid planning come over as pauses in an extremely close , tense account of the measures taken by Dick and his crew to cut wreckage clear and get the ship under control .
24 ‘ We will be pushing to do this locally and writing to the OFT on a regular basis to check on the state of play , ’ he said .
25 Cassie smiled weakly and said in a much more normal tone , It 's in the cupboard , Jen .
26 Their involvement in those parts of the management plan in which they have not been previously interested will be taken on and driven by the possibly irresistible surge of the whole school 's development .
27 We have had a good year , barring accidents , and although the summer weather was disastrous we have been more than compensated by the most beautiful Autumn ever .
28 The annual value of mergers more than trebled from a fairly stable trend in 1966 and 1967 .
29 Noise/horror undoes the self by confronting it with the other that dwells within it , the monstrous potential latent in us all , waiting to be catalysed by an extreme predicament ; what I 've called the new psychedelia undoes the self by letting it drift off and disappear into the otherwordly .
30 Some commentators have gone further and pointed to the relatively high proportion of UK production which has been exported and to the high ratio of exports of GDP in international terms .
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