Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as she [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So far as she knew they were only the result of an innocent friendship , so why Feargal 's anger ?
2 Some fat old hag in a dirty apron came and said so far as she knew you were in hospital .
3 He ran his hand the length of her spine , making her aware that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him , and for a wild moment she could see no reason why they should n't make love .
4 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
5 Harry Richardson appalled Anna by offering to lend her Flora 's school fees , interest-free , for as long as she needed them .
6 Rosa slipped out of their bed , and , imagining herself on water , trod as lightly as she could ; her feet left moist imprints on the coldness of the tiled floor which shrivelled up as quickly as she made them , until she too vanished through the door .
7 Roman de Sciorto appeared to despise her , she decided , almost as thoroughly as she despised him .
8 Mrs Murphy snatched the opportunity to ask Mrs Frizzell to proceed with her report , which she did , outlining the story as far as she knew it and using as many euphemisms as she could .
9 Mala blinked , and grew paler , but quickly assured him that as far as she knew it was just a coincidence .
10 It was dangerous because it left her at his mercy and as far as she knew he had none .
11 She suffered one paroxysm of doubt , the first and the last , and a matter of shame to her as often as she remembered it after , when the hour of noon came and passed , and no one sent for her to go into the town and fetch her father to the audience ; and when she ventured to enquire , she was told that one of his Grace 's clerks had already gone to summon Master Parry , and she need not concern herself in the matter .
12 I will not take no unless I know she really means it , as strongly as she kissed me .
13 She knew that as surely as she knew she would never get to the rave in Woodham Woods .
14 Telling him would be a mistake , she knew that , just as surely as she knew he would never tell her what he really felt , but she knew .
15 She should have done so ages ago ; and if she knew her friend as well as she thought she did , then she would be intrigued and delighted by the whole affair .
16 ‘ Oh , he 'll get over that , ’ Terry said with the confidence of a sister who did n't know her brother as well as she thought she did .
17 It would have surprised Claudia if Dana did have any money ; she earned a great deal but spent it as fast as she made it , and , while it made sense for Roman to bring her under his wing , Claudia resented it fiercely .
18 So she signed ‘ Charlotte Rossignol ’ , well aware that he was reading the letters as fast as she formed them .
19 The charity 's national organizer , Vivienne Parry , set about finding some mothers-to-be to meet the Princess ; but as fast as she found them , they went into labour .
20 She usually waves goodbye to men as casually as she greets them , but this time she is hooked .
21 Mrs Ephraim Cook did not agree with her , believing that every child should learn to read as firmly as she believed they should wash behind their ears every morning and not relieve themselves , like dogs , in the street .
22 His voice was grimly determined , but her own was equally so as she faced him , conscious of the hot colour scorching her cheeks .
23 Yet even as she spoke she knew that her grandmother would not fall asleep , not tonight she would n't .
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