Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] from [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Right down from the last quarter of the nineteenth century to the 1960s one can indeed construct a counter-grandadology to Pearson 's ‘ history of respectable fears ’ .
2 ‘ This is what you call the laconicum ? ’ she asked , drawing back rather dubiously from the dank breath that distilled out of the earth .
3 So right from an early age I was told I was special .
4 If punishment does indeed reduce the future incidence of crime , then the pain and unhappiness caused to the offender may be outweighed by the avoidance of unpleasantness to other people in the future — thus making punishment morally right from a utilitarian point of view .
5 The politicians and officials who expressed public criticism of their work or brought pressure to bear , for whatever reason , did so mostly from an urban standpoint .
6 But the myriad electronic images and printed words that pour in daily from the Balkan war zone can not convey the whole truth about what is going on there .
7 ‘ For Farr , ’ said Lustgarten , ‘ as he laughed and joked with his old friend in the front room of their Wimbledon home , was already planning exactly where his carving knife would skirt the edge of the poisoned breast meat , digging deeper and deeper away from the tainted flesh , so that neither he nor Templeton would suffer .
8 By the 1790s these shock waves had triggered off another seismic event , sending North America ( where the struggle for national independence had already begun in 1774 ) not only away from the English Crown but on the road to a republican state .
9 Family run B/B close to the beach , shopping , entertainment and conference centres yet far enough away from the main road to avoid traffic noise .
10 We reckon this if far enough away from the main house to make sure that you get some real peace and quiet . ’
11 The Popi is well situated for everything — it 's in the middle of the harbour area of Kos , only a kilometre or so away from the early nightlife and bars and very close to the late night discos .
12 The whole FI family would stay at the Sheraton in Buenos Aires and the Hilton in Sao Paulo while , between races , a majority of the drivers would take a week 's break at Guaruja on the Brazilian coast near Santos , an hour or so away from the smog-filled city of Sao Paulo .
13 She had tried to sound breezy , but her voice cracked , and she turned swiftly away from the sudden concern in Mandy 's big green eyes .
14 They did try to kill the piglet , but as they were quite frightened and obviously not from the right background , they were not very practical about it .
15 The analysis of sin that occupies much of the second half of the book and which , perhaps fittingly from a literary point of view , distorts the balanced analytic framework of the role and nature of contemplative life in the first half , is frozen in a definitive icon in which the body of death is horriby manifested with a head of pride , back of covetousness ( worldly things that the anchoress turns away from ) , a heart of envy , arms of anger , a belly of greed , genitals of lechery and feet of despairing sloth which find it difficult to stir themselves to good works ( prayer and meditation for the anchoress ) ( 85.355a — 6a. – 154 – 5 ) .
16 Mixing paints is not so far from the pre-Mendelian vision of heredity , and even today popular culture frequently expresses heredity in terms of a mixing of ‘ bloods ’ .
17 Those of us who are not so far from the notable Sugar Loaf Summit on the Central Wales Line ( Heart of Wales ) will recall this example of a Staff Halt .
18 Such politicizations might take feminist psychologists so far from the conventional discipline that they would lose their influence within it .
19 Cadence Design Systems Inc warns that turnover for the first quarter will be down substantially from the same period last year and it will likely see a loss for the quarter .
20 Lost time incidents and the associated frequency index were down substantially from the previous year , maintaining a progressively improving trend .
21 Other evangelicals , perhaps particularly from an Anglo-Saxon tradition , may be less consistent , speaking also of what is found in ‘ nature ’ .
22 Like the salt traffic , the cattle trade that developed so strongly from the sixteenth century onwards moved along existing green lanes and trackways .
23 While the sky above darkened to a deep purple , the Marines below looked about , made nervous by the steadily increasing pace and volume of drumming that floated down eerily from the surrounding countryside .
24 He felt that a winning hand had been dealt him and he had played it badly , perhaps even from a professional point of view .
25 ‘ I do n't think a horse has ever quickened for me so well from the final flight . ’
26 My great fishing love , until then , had been Lady Tweed , but I soon discovered the South Tyne was every bit as good , if not better , than the Queen of Scottish rivers ; and the stretch below our house was far enough upstream and far enough downstream from the main population centres to make it almost completely private .
27 If we consider an ordinary tree , by the time it is a few years old it has usually acquired a number of little branches , coming out more or less horizontally from the main stem or trunk .
28 Being disinclined to sleep , Greg sat in the second-class compartment of the train returning him to Manchester , alone apart from a commercial traveller who seemed miraculously disinclined for conversation , and tried to think the case through .
29 Ensis fluid , however , does the trick nicely apart from the unfortunate side effect of turning everything treated with it a rather rusty colour !
30 The air remained unnaturally hot and humid for the time of the year , and the sun shone down again from the brightening sky .
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