Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] by the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He contrasts the moral ideas of humanity with those of the deity , who is described in terms reminiscent of Voltaire : ‘ Why have we sympathies that make the best of us so afraid of inflicting pain and sorrow , which yet we see dealt about so lavishly by the supreme governor ? ’
2 Engines roaring , it swooped in to land , braking hard as its wheels touched the wide runway which was crossed halfway along by the single road connecting the British colony to the Spanish mainland .
3 When the movement was defeated , these opening doors of dialogue were closed again , obviously so by the conservative regime in Beijing , less obviously but more damagingly from outside .
4 He turned and caught her looking at him as they strolled idly along by the whispering dark Mediterranean , and impulsively he stopped and pulled her into his arms for a quick hard hug .
5 Previously , the results of experience could be handed down only by the slow process of it being encoded into DNA through random errors in reproduction .
6 In August , near Worth , he sent his mother " a memoir of the horribly devastated battlefield , scattered all over with countless mournful remains and reeking with dead bodies " and in December he wrote to a friend : " if one is to avoid losing all courage , one must not think of these frightful things any more " It is apparent how far removed this mood was from any chauvinistic or militaristic fervour — nor would we particularly expect any such fervour ( despite long established misconceptions about Nietzsche 's attitudes ) from one whose ideas of German nationhood were moulded so largely by the cultural preoccupations of a Hölderlin or a Schopenhauer .
7 These tendencies were carried much further by the younger men , Gibbons , Coprario , the younger Ferrabosco , Thomas Lupo , and a number of others , who would base a short section on a popular morris-dance tune ( as Gibbons does in a four-part viol fantasy ) and use motives more clear-cut in rhythmic profile sequentially as Giovanni Gabrieli does .
8 Will he confirm that all the figures published so far by the Labour party , in attempting to collect more money from the national insurance contribution , show that it will not put a penny of that money into increased SERPS for people who retire ?
9 When I finally decided I could n't dawdle over my coffee any longer , a decision arrived at long before by the hard-eyed blonde in charge of the cash register , I climbed back in the heap and headed home .
10 It will be a choice between the politics of envy , as advocated so often by the Conservative party , and the ethics of community .
11 Well-organised Cambridge tried to kill the game and Boro were naive when caught out so often by the offside trap .
12 The theory that continents drifted about was proposed long ago by the German geophysicist Alfred Wegener , but most people laughed at him until well after the Second World War .
13 This can be caused by the disordered packing of chains in the amorphous glassy phase , and a random distribution of the available free volume , or perhaps even by the random coil structure of the chain itself causing local environmental changes .
14 It is a great pity that hon. Members do not take more notice of the admirable reports that are made by the Comptroller and Auditor General , which are followed up so well by the Public Accounts Committee .
15 This structural contradiction may explain , though it does not excuse , why Britain has been brought to book so frequently by the European judges .
16 The excavators at Silchester and Caerwent had found great quantities , but regarded it as merely so commonplace and ordinary , that they hardly bothered even to mention it , thus ignoring the important principle laid down earlier by the great Pitt-Rivers , who attempted to record everything he found ‘ however small and however common … common things are of more importance than particular things , because they are more prevalent ’ ( 1898 , 27 ) .
17 The astonishingly monochrome , synthetic quality of the set is modified only occasionally by the saturating splashes of blood-sachets , perfunctorily punctured over the bodies of the slain .
18 Apart from an air in E♭ major exclaiming against the tyranny of love in Les caprices de l'Amour ( book 3 ) a ‘ horrible , frightful ’ key for Charpentier , and passed over altogether by the other theorists including Rameau the choice of keys in these collections bears a close family likeness to those of book 1 .
19 In adopting this approach , Manne ignores the fact that much financial regulation including insider dealing has been sponsored by liberal groups , and not necessarily by the regulatory bodies .
20 The Socialists ' leftward lurch was stimulated not only by the accumulated frustrations of office but also by a fear of ‘ fascism ’ , chiefly in the shape of the CEDA .
21 One of the principal features of the renaissance of the twelfth century was a great increase in historiography , stimulated not only by the Norman conquest of England but also by the crusades and the rise of the north Italian communes , or city-states .
22 Their ranks were swelled not only by the general growth of the economy and steady expansion of secondary and higher education but also by the rapid development of services run under the aegis of the zemstvos and staffed by the so-called ‘ third element ’ — teachers , doctors , statisticians , veterinary surgeons , and agricultural experts of various kinds .
23 The last ten years have brought into the open the struggle between the oligarchy , supported by the United States , and a substantial section of the population , represented not only by the armed opposition FMLN but by trade unions , popular organizations , women 's groups , Christian base communities and the liberal intelligentsia .
24 Wives and mothers of British seamen were reported as incensed , not only by the low pay of their menfolk , but also by the medical examination to which they were subjected on signing on , " mauled about and handled as though they were a piece of New Zealand mutton " .
25 The declining historical significance of nationalism is today concealed not only by the visible spread of ethnic/linguistic agitations , but also by the semantic illusion which derives from the fact that all states are today officially ‘ nations ’ , though many of them patently have nothing in common with what the term ‘ nation-state ’ is commonly held to mean ; that therefore all movements seeking to win independence think of themselves as establishing nations even when they are patently not doing so ; and that centralisation and state bureaucracy will , if they possibly can , put on the fashionable national costume .
26 His patronage was extended not only by the forfeited estates of Lancaster , Badlesmere and the Contrariants but also by the confiscated temporalities of bishops such as Langton ( at the beginning of the reign ) and Stratford , Orleton and Burghersh ( at the end ) .
27 Hence it is appropriate that the recitals should be used as an aid to interpretation not only by the European Court itself , but by any court dealing with the interpretation of a Community legal text , for example a British court or tribunal of any level .
28 They suggested that the likelihood of an OR might be determined not only by the specific state of habituation of the target stimulus but also by the extent to which the context is generally arousing ( cf. the dual-process theory of Groves and Thompson 1970 ) .
29 ‘ Coincidentally , we are now seeing coming out of Eastern Europe that same broad attitude being adopted , not only by the democratic socialists and social democratic parties which are emerging in the East , but also amongst the reform wings of the old Communist parties led by a new generation who realise the command economy Stalinist game is completely up .
30 Loyalist intransigence was bolstered not only by the new IRA campaign but also by the actions of three leading Fianna Fáil politicians in the South who were open and vocal in their support for the IRA .
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