Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps much learning in the natural sciences , in the medical sciences and in technology is like this .
2 Sedgefield Labour MP Tony Blair : ‘ Our commitment to the NHS , and to the elderly and families by increasing pensions and child benefits will bring to Government a sense of community and the need to help others so obviously missing from the Conservative party 's agenda over the last 13 years . ’
3 Having spent so long staring into the national navel we can raise our heads .
4 They would be aided and abetted in so doing by the Liberal Democrats .
5 So just keeping on the same sort of subject , of sex , drugs and ,
6 ‘ To invade those poor people in Poland when they 're only just getting over the last war . ’
7 Although broadcasters may feel that RDS is user-friendly the consumer-industry is only gradually responding to the growing dislike of over-complex and often confusing controls ; c.f. video recorders easily set to record the wrong programme on the wrong channel at the wrong time , and teletext units that remain under-used .
8 The subtle differences have brought a strength and depth of study to the discipline of building surveying and created the sense of identity so palpably missing in the 1960s .
9 Are we better off searching for the hidden opportunities or spotting the obvious ones early enough ?
10 However , in the interests of Western European stability and its own financial position , the British government is perhaps still putting off the final offer — either British withdrawal or some form of power-sharing with catholic nationalists — in the hope of loyalists coming round to what is seen as a more reasonable position .
11 Situated on Brighton Seafront close to the famous West Pier , the Brighton Hotel offers elegance , luxury and comfort , coupled with the friendly service so often lacking in the larger establishment .
12 The astonished reptile released its grip just long enough for Laba to break free and stagger off down the track — with the serpent in hot pursuit apparently loudly vocalizing with the same sibilant barks which we were later to hear ourselves while filming a python hunt .
13 He said there were three er , down there canvassing for the main parties and er , well quite a lot of people there and of course rich pickings for , providing they can get anybody to stop and talk to them do n't know , they 'd drive around
15 They walked slowly along one wall , laughing and talking and only incidentally looking at the eccentric pictures .
16 The 400m medley is one of the most physically demanding in the Olympic programme but Davies refutes any suggestion , that at 29 , she may be too old to cope .
17 We are thus effectively operating with the third-order submatrix of A1 when its first row and column are omitted .
18 Or worse not quite impossible , but just about , just gently verging upon the impossible .
19 Rousseau was keenly aware that majority decisions , or even unanimous ones , are not necessarily right — right , that is , not only according to the moral criteria of any particular individual but from the point of view of the good of the community itself .
20 One of the most important areas of credit management is risk assessment , not only looking at the individual customer companies concerned , but also at the current financial background in which they operate .
21 This is not only damaging to the final exam marks of the Student ( since a Student who had managed 60% in the Final Examination could fail because their End of Module Tests reduce the mark ) , but foolish , since they can take as many retakes of the End of Module Tests as they wish in order to achieve a good pass-mark .
22 Thus contracts are not generally binding on the following people : persons who at the time of making the contract were either minors , or so insane or drunk as not to know what they were doing .
23 TIM BURTON , currently Hollywood 's golden boy with Batman Returns , is not just sticking to the obvious — even if there 's a vast amount of money in it .
24 Price Waterhouse , it seems , was not just investing in the Prudential by dropping the audit fee by 14% .
25 Mr referred earlier to the views of the Association for the Disabled on proposals and that is very very important and I think increasingly it will be the committee 's concern to if you like have very s acute listening ears to , to what is needed and what is , what is wanted in the community and organizations like this can be very important in not just lobbying in the crude sense but providing a real medium of communication and I think that that would be helpful .
26 Also audiences clearly find in opera a spiritual intensity and cathartic richness they are not always getting from the straight theatre .
27 The emphasis should be on supporting and protecting your own jumper and not illegally interfering with the opposing jumper .
28 If the money supply is not also falling at the same rate , interest rates will fall and so encourage new investment .
29 In fact at the moment we 're just about getting to the longest er night the what 's called the equ er sorry the solstice that occurs on about December the twenty second .
30 Thirdly , it does not inspire confidence in her work to find it not simply going beyond the independent evidence we have , but often going against it .
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