Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Vesman developed this and showed that he could explain the temperature dependence of muon + dd fusion if there is a rather loosely bound state in a complex molecular system involving three deuterons where the nuclei were encircled partly by electrons and partly by muons .
2 An even less easily defined aspect of a horse 's temperament than tolerance , is the horse 's cheerfulness , gaiety , animation , or ‘ smart way of going' ; with its opposite being placidity and peacefulness .
3 On our particular line the main problem was trespassing : and we only once caught glimpse of a vandal .
4 On our particular line the main problem was trespassing : we only once caught glimpse of a vandal .
5 The Government and senior police officers have so far resisted calls for a ‘ ring of steel ’ , Belfast-style protection , with closed circuit television , control zones , and very restricted access .
6 One week there had been fifty fridge doors outside his office , another week forty or fifty bicycle frames , although Robert had not so far caught sight of a single chain , tyre , wheel or handlebar .
7 I will suggest in this section of the essay that the reason why the antithesis between liberal principles and contract theory is so frequently overlooked lies in a second level of debate which the discussion of liberalism masks .
8 I had once taken hold of a piece of rock , and was about to trust my whole weight upon , it , when it loosened from its bed , and I should have been sent headlong to the bottom had I not instinctively snatched hold of a tuft of grass , which grew close by it , and was so firm as to save me .
9 These features take on particular interest when combined with the findings of Squire ( 1964 ) whose study of readers not only found evidence of a considerable need on the part of adolescent readers for association and empathy with the characters in a work of fiction , but also a clear correlation between emotional involvement with a story and the formulation of literary judgment .
10 Indeed , Freemantle not only provided Leapor with a receptive audience for her mature work , but actively promoted it .
11 Clearly such references are not merely longwinded substitutes for a name : they draw attention now to this , now to that aspect of the same person , and so build up a many-sided picture of each character .
12 ‘ We 've just about got time for a quick swim before breakfast . ’
13 WordPerfect is also a subscriber to the competitive upgrade system — see the box — and will often be found offering what is normally high priced kit at a rock bottom price to persuade you to move to their products .
14 During the summer months it was possible to get a much more highly paid job as a housecleaner , a ‘ barker ’ or a bingo-caller or a taxi driver , and so the winter job of working in a factory was a ‘ stop gap ’ .
15 This time , however , conservative , bourgeois , and intellectual circles were said to be voicing ‘ still carefully expressed fears about a certain legal insecurity in future ’ .
16 Following what has become known as the " Halévy thesis " , historians have more readily seen Methodism as a force for stability against " the threat of revolution " than as one which worked for it .
17 Banks — in Belfast last week to give a reading from ‘ Complicity ’ ( Little Brown , £15.99 ) — has once again struck gold with a psychological thriller that draws the reader in from the first grisly murder on page one .
18 Therefore , where the vendor and purchaser are both wholly owned subsidiaries of a third company and the vendor sells assets to the purchaser at an under value , it is suggested that to the extent the value conferred on the purchaser comes out of the vendor 's capital as opposed to distributable profits , then this is treated as an unlawful return of capital by the vendor to the third party holding company .
19 People like Michelle probably never set eyes on a dentist normally .
20 For a fee , firms — often orally promised exclusivity in a certain area — will be placed on the list .
21 If you have n't even got room for a single lean-to garage , you could always consider building a carport .
22 Humphrey 's research on workers in the Brazilian motor industry in the 1970s shows that , in this particular case , a group of relatively highly paid workers in a modern sector of the economy did not behave as a labour aristocracy , but took on a vanguard role in providing political leadership for the working class as a whole ( Humphrey 1982 ) .
23 In this analysis Freud thinks he has shown how even organized groups like a church or an army are held together .
24 In a letter to the BR chairman , Sir Bob Reid , the party 's transport spokesman , Murray Falconer , wrote : ‘ By not putting forward already established plans for a Dornoch firth rail crossing , BR is deceiving the people it should be serving …
25 The most commonly known way of a baby becoming infected with HIV is through the womb .
26 The most commonly quoted definition of a fund is found in GASB ( 1990 , Section 1100 ) :
27 Foreigners have too often seen Japan as a monolithic society where individualism is frowned upon and conformity all important , where the tendency is towards harmony and consensus and a healthy element of conflict decidedly absent , and where the role of the group is all-pervasive .
28 Tom had never before ridden pillion on a motorbike , but Andy the neighbour had a spare crash helmet .
29 They have concentrated almost exclusively on public housing and have never really challenged owner-occupation as a form of tenure , or the quality of housing and its organisation and control .
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