Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] as [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd have let him get in as deep as possible and then started the pressure …
2 But — there it was , and I began to go down as quickly as possible but with difficulty , for there was almost a metre between rungs .
3 He was getting back quicker than I thought because he is quite a tall guy , so I had to knock the stumps down as quickly as possible and the quickest way to get there was through the air — and I took it . ’
4 They were asked to write their statements down as quickly as possible and to answer as though describing themselves to themselves rather than to anybody else .
5 Fall down and crawl left under the wall , push the crate left onto the button and jump up through the roof , go up , left , up on the lift , right , and then fall down , go under the lift and go left to collect the object , go right , up on the lift , left under the wall , up through the roof , up , left , up on the lift , left , push the crate left onto the button , go left along the conveyor belt , go left and collect the battery , now go down as far as possible and enter the door to complete the level .
6 The Captain tried to slide the back window down as unobtrusively as possible when the young Sub-lieutenant sitting beside the driver began to choke .
7 It was necessary to get this over as soon as possible and then leave .
8 ‘ Most of us just hope this will be over as quickly as possible and that the Americans go home , ’ a diplomat said .
9 Low temperatures place them at no obvious disadvantage — they have evolved physiological systems that allow them to move just as fast as temperate or tropical fish , and they are no easier to catch .
10 With every nerve straining to turn tail and run , she 'd backed away as quietly as possible and once she was out of earshot raced back down to the beach to find the tide had turned .
11 Mark Hateley and I have 70 between us , which is incredible , but it really does n't matter if I score or not tomorrow just as long as we get one more than Bruges . ’
12 Consulate staff in Riyadh confirm Mr Devine wants to get home as soon as possible so he wo n't appeal , although back in Britain , his MP is pressing the Foreign Office to intervene .
13 Tomorrow she would go home as early as possible and she would never see him again .
14 Whenever liquids or greases are used during maintenance , all excess spillages must be cleared up as quickly as possible and before the equipment is put back into operation .
15 When they were ready , send a messenger back to bring over the remainder , who would endeavour to ride on and past as silently as possible and form the barrier between town and castle .
16 I told her she 's welcome to stay up there just as long as she wants and what she said would n't bear repeating .
17 This is probably nowhere near as long as your list but it gives you some idea of how much detail is needed in recording items .
18 It was the first time South Africa has admitted it possessed nuclear weapons , though the United States government suggested as long ago as 1979 that Pretoria might possess an atom bomb after a satellite detected two nuclear-like flashes over Antarctic waters to the south of Cape Town .
19 It was , after all , as long ago as 1899 that John Dewey enunciated the principle of his ‘ Copernican revolution ’ in education whereby , just as ‘ the astronomical centre shifted from the earth to the sun ’ , so ‘ In this case the child becomes the sun about which the appliances of education revolve ; he is the centre about which they are organised . ’
20 Signs of this were evident at Christmas and , happily , at Easter , too , Not only did Channel 4 go out in peak time with Granada 's king Lear on Easter Monday but also had the bright idea of showing us on that day , in Are you having any fun ? archive material demonstrating how the British had determinedly convinced themselves they were enjoying themselves as long ago as 1896 and as lately as 1964 .
21 ( Although it was as long ago as 1884 that Marx wrote of the shift from worker as producer to worker as consumer , the degree of expendability of goods and their constant replacement by better and newer models has markedly increased during the latter half of this century . )
22 The final question which arises is whether , in the exercise of our discretion , we should let mandamus go bearing in mind that the events with which we are concerned occurred as long ago as 1989 and then occupied no more than perhaps three quarters of an hour .
23 In particular , Chandra Talpade Mohanty 's essay seems odd , devoted as it is to a detailed comparison of essays from as long ago as 1981 and 1984 , in which she takes issue with Robin Morgan 's universalist feminism .
24 They are Chinese Muslims whose ancestors came to China from Arabia as long ago as 651 and who still live scattered throughout the People 's Republic , preserving a way of life , a language and a religion that has more in common with Mecca than with the Orient .
25 Hungary started to introduce market-oriented reforms as long ago as 1968 and , after a period of retreat in the 1970s , renewed this reform process in the 1980s .
26 Its abolition was recommended as long ago as 1967 but nothing has been done — one suspects a feeling that it might come in useful one day .
27 It was as long ago as 1863 that Lister pointed out , ‘ the real cause of the coagulation of blood is the influence exerted on it by ordinary matter … the contact of which effects a disposition to coagulate ’ .
28 It includes people who graduated as long ago as 1933 and others who left only five or six years ago .
29 JIT is not , therefore , just a way of reducing stock , but implies a commitment to total waste avoidance , removal of bottlenecks and total quality control — i.e. getting the product out as soon as possible and right first time .
30 Where the pointing needs renewing , the old pointing must be dug out as deep as possible as frost tends to lift shallow layers of cement .
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